Customize email requirements¶ ↑
By default, Rodauth
requires emails to have at least 3 characters and at most 255 bytes. You can modify the minimum and maximum length:
plugin :rodauth do enable :login, :logout, :create_account # Require emails to have at least 5 characters login_minimum_length 5 # Don't allow emails longer than 100 characters login_maximum_length 100 # Don't allow emails larger than 200 bytes login_maximum_bytes 200 end
You can also override email address validation, and do more advanced email checks, such as checking whether the email address exists using the Truemail gem:
require "truemail" Truemail.configure do |config| config.verifier_email = "" end plugin :rodauth do enable :login, :logout, :create_account login_valid_email? do |email| super(email) && Truemail.valid?(email) end end