Public Class
- configure
- create_database_authentication_functions
- create_database_previous_password_check_functions
- drop_database_authentication_functions
- drop_database_previous_password_check_functions
- lib
- load_dependencies
- new
- version
Public Instance
- _account_from_email_auth_key
- _account_from_id
- _account_from_login
- _account_from_refresh_token
- _account_from_reset_password_key
- _account_from_session
- _account_from_unlock_key
- _account_from_verify_account_key
- _account_from_verify_login_change_key
- _account_refresh_token_split
- _around_rodauth
- _email_auth_request
- _field_attributes
- _field_error_attributes
- _filter_links
- _formatted_field_error
- _get_remember_cookie
- _json_response_body
- _jwt_decode_opts
- _jwt_decode_secrets
- _login
- _login_form_footer
- _login_form_footer_links
- _login_response
- _multi_phase_login_forms
- _new_account
- _otp
- _otp_add_key
- _otp_for_key
- _otp_interval
- _otp_key
- _otp_tmp_key
- _otp_valid_code?
- _otp_valid_code_for_old_secret
- _override_webauthn_credential_response_verify
- _process_raw_hmac
- _recovery_codes
- _return_json_response
- _set_otp_unlock_info
- _set_remember_cookie
- _setup_account_lockouts_hash
- _sms
- _sms_request_response
- _template_opts
- _two_factor_auth_links
- _two_factor_auth_response
- _two_factor_remove_all_from_session
- _two_factor_remove_links
- _two_factor_setup_links
- _update_login
- _view
- _view_opts
- account!
- account_activity_ds
- account_ds
- account_expired?
- account_expired_at
- account_from_email_auth_key
- account_from_id
- account_from_key
- account_from_login
- account_from_refresh_token
- account_from_remember_cookie
- account_from_reset_password_key
- account_from_session
- account_from_unlock_key
- account_from_verify_account_key
- account_from_verify_login_change_key
- account_from_webauthn_login
- account_id
- account_in_unverified_grace_period?
- account_initial_status_value
- account_lockouts_ds
- account_login_failures_ds
- account_password_hash_column
- account_session_status_filter
- account_table_ds
- account_webauthn_ids
- account_webauthn_usage
- account_webauthn_user_id
- active_remember_key_ds
- active_sessions_ds
- active_sessions_insert_hash
- active_sessions_update_hash
- add_active_session
- add_audit_log
- add_field_error_class
- add_previous_password_hash
- add_recovery_code
- add_recovery_codes
- add_remember_key
- add_webauthn_credential
- after_change_password
- after_close_account
- after_create_account
- after_login
- after_login_entered_during_multi_phase_login
- after_login_failure
- after_logout
- after_otp_authentication_failure
- after_otp_disable
- after_otp_setup
- after_otp_unlock_auth_failure
- after_otp_unlock_auth_success
- after_otp_unlock_not_yet_available
- after_refresh_token
- after_reset_password
- after_sms_disable
- after_webauthn_remove
- after_webauthn_setup
- allow_email_auth?
- allow_resending_verify_account_email?
- already_logged_in
- argon2_hash_algorithm?
- argon2_hash_cost
- argon2_password_hash_match?
- argon2_password_hash_using_salt_and_secret
- argon2_salt_option
- audit_log_ds
- audit_log_insert_hash
- audit_log_message
- audit_log_message_default
- audit_log_metadata
- auth_class_eval
- authenticated?
- authenticated_by
- authenticated_webauthn_id
- auto_add_missing_recovery_codes
- auto_remove_recovery_codes
- autocomplete_for_field?
- autologin_session
- autologin_type
- base32_encode
- base_url
- before_change_login_route
- before_change_password_route
- before_create_account_route
- before_login_attempt
- before_logout
- before_otp_setup_route
- before_reset_password
- before_reset_password_request
- before_rodauth
- before_two_factor_auth_route
- before_two_factor_manage_route
- before_unlock_account
- before_unlock_account_request
- before_verify_account
- before_verify_account_route
- before_view_recovery_codes
- before_webauthn_auth_route
- before_webauthn_login_route
- before_webauthn_remove_route
- before_webauthn_setup_route
- button
- button_opts
- can_add_recovery_codes?
- catch_error
- change_login
- change_login_notice_flash
- change_login_requires_password?
- change_password_requires_password?
- check_account_expiration
- check_active_session
- check_already_logged_in
- check_csrf
- check_csrf?
- check_password_change_allowed
- check_session_expiration
- check_single_session
- clear_cached_otp
- clear_invalid_login_attempts
- clear_session
- close_account
- close_account_requires_password?
- compute_hmac
- compute_hmacs
- compute_old_hmac
- compute_raw_hmac
- compute_raw_hmac_with_secret
- confirm_password
- confirm_password_redirect
- convert_email_token_key
- convert_session_key
- convert_timestamp
- convert_token_id
- convert_token_id_to_integer
- convert_token_key
- create_account_autologin?
- create_account_notice_flash
- create_account_set_password?
- create_email
- create_email_auth_key
- create_email_to
- create_reset_password_key
- create_verify_account_key
- create_verify_login_change_email
- create_verify_login_change_key
- csrf_tag
- currently_active_session?
- database_function_password_match?
- db
- delete_account
- delete_account_on_close?
- disable_remember_login
- domain
- email_auth_ds
- email_auth_email_link
- email_auth_email_recently_sent?
- email_auth_key_insert_hash
- email_auth_request_form
- email_from
- email_to
- expire_session
- extend_remember_deadline
- extend_remember_deadline_while_logged_in?
- extract_password_hash_cost
- features
- field_attributes
- field_error
- field_error_attributes
- flash
- forget_login
- formatted_field_error
- function_name
- generate_active_sessions_key
- generate_email_auth_key_value
- generate_refresh_token
- generate_remember_key_value
- generate_reset_password_key_value
- generate_unlock_account_key
- generate_verify_account_key_value
- generate_verify_login_change_key_value
- get_active_refresh_token
- get_activity_timestamp
- get_email_auth_email_last_sent
- get_email_auth_key
- get_password_changed_at
- get_password_hash
- get_password_reset_key
- get_remember_key
- get_reset_password_email_last_sent
- get_unlock_account_email_last_sent
- get_unlock_account_key
- get_verify_account_email_last_sent
- get_verify_account_key
- get_verify_login_change_login_and_key
- handle_duplicate_active_session_id
- handle_webauthn_sign_count_verification_error
- has_password?
- hmac_secret_rotation?
- hook_action
- http_basic_auth
- inactive_session_cond
- include_success_messages?
- input_field_string
- inputmode_for_field?
- internal_request?
- internal_request_configuration
- invalid_login_attempted
- invalid_previous_password_message
- json_request?
- json_response
- json_response_error?
- jwt_cors_allow?
- jwt_payload
- jwt_refresh_token_account_ds
- jwt_refresh_token_account_token_ds
- jwt_refresh_token_ds
- jwt_refresh_token_insert_hash
- jwt_refresh_token_match?
- jwt_secret
- jwt_session_hash
- jwt_token
- last_account_activity_at
- last_account_login_at
- load_memory
- loaded_templates
- locked_out?
- logged_in_via_remember_key?
- login
- login_confirm_label
- login_does_not_meet_requirements_message
- login_failed_reset_password_request_form
- login_field_autocomplete_value
- login_form_footer_links
- login_hidden_field
- login_input_type
- login_meets_email_requirements?
- login_meets_length_requirements?
- login_meets_requirements?
- login_required
- login_return_to_requested_location_path
- login_session
- login_too_long_message
- login_too_many_bytes_message
- login_too_short_message
- login_uses_email?
- login_valid_email?
- logout
- logout_additional_form_tags
- modifications_require_password?
- new_account
- new_recovery_code
- new_webauthn_credential
- no_longer_active_session
- normalize_session_or_flash_key
- null_byte_parameter_value
- only_json?
- open_account?
- otp_add_key
- otp_available?
- otp_exists?
- otp_hmac_old_secret
- otp_hmac_secret
- otp_issuer
- otp_key_ds
- otp_keys_use_hmac?
- otp_last_use
- otp_locked_out?
- otp_lockout_redirect
- otp_new_secret
- otp_provisioning_name
- otp_provisioning_uri
- otp_qr_code
- otp_record_authentication_failure
- otp_remove
- otp_remove_auth_failures
- otp_tmp_key
- otp_unlock_auth_failure
- otp_unlock_auth_success
- otp_unlock_available?
- otp_unlock_data
- otp_unlock_deadline
- otp_unlock_deadline_passed?
- otp_unlock_ds
- otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after
- otp_unlock_num_successes
- otp_unlock_refresh_tag
- otp_unlock_reset
- otp_unlock_success_cooldown_seconds
- otp_update_last_use
- otp_user_key
- otp_valid_code?
- otp_valid_key?
- over_max_bytesize_param_value
- param
- param_or_nil
- password_confirm_label
- password_does_not_contain_null_byte?
- password_does_not_meet_requirements_message
- password_doesnt_match_previous_password?
- password_expiration_ds
- password_expired?
- password_field_autocomplete_value
- password_has_enough_character_groups?
- password_has_no_invalid_pattern?
- password_hash
- password_hash_cost
- password_hash_ds
- password_hash_match?
- password_hash_using_salt
- password_match?
- password_meets_length_requirements?
- password_meets_requirements?
- password_not_in_dictionary?
- password_not_one_of_the_most_common?
- password_not_too_many_repeating_characters?
- password_one_of_most_common?
- password_recently_entered?
- password_reset_ds
- password_too_long_message
- password_too_many_bytes_message
- password_too_short_message
- possible_authentication_methods
- post_configure
- previous_password_ds
- raises_uniqueness_violation?
- random_key
- raw_param
- recovery_code_match?
- recovery_codes_available?
- recovery_codes_ds
- recovery_codes_primary?
- recovery_codes_remove
- redirect
- remember_key_ds
- remember_login
- remembered_session_id
- remove_active_session
- remove_all_active_sessions
- remove_all_active_sessions_except_current
- remove_all_active_sessions_except_for
- remove_all_webauthn_keys_and_user_ids
- remove_current_session
- remove_email_auth_key
- remove_inactive_sessions
- remove_jwt_refresh_token_key
- remove_lockout_metadata
- remove_remember_key
- remove_reset_password_key
- remove_session_value
- remove_verify_account_key
- remove_verify_login_change_key
- remove_webauthn_key
- render
- render_multi_phase_login_forms
- request
- require_account
- require_account_session
- require_authentication
- require_current_password
- require_http_basic_auth
- require_login
- require_login_confirmation?
- require_login_redirect
- require_otp_setup
- require_password_authentication
- require_password_authentication?
- require_response
- require_sms_available
- require_sms_not_setup
- require_sms_setup
- require_two_factor_authenticated
- require_two_factor_not_authenticated
- require_two_factor_setup
- require_webauthn_setup
- rescue_jwt_payload
- reset_password_email_link
- reset_password_email_recently_sent?
- reset_password_key_insert_hash
- reset_single_session_key
- response
- retry_on_uniqueness_violation
- return_json_response
- return_response
- route!
- route_path
- route_url
- save_account
- send_email
- send_verify_login_change_email
- serialize_audit_log_metadata
- session
- session_inactivity_deadline_condition
- session_jwt
- session_lifetime_deadline_condition
- session_value
- set_deadline_value
- set_deadline_values?
- set_email_auth_email_last_sent
- set_error_flash
- set_error_reason
- set_expired
- set_field_error
- set_http_basic_auth_error_response
- set_jwt
- set_jwt_refresh_token_hmac_session_key
- set_jwt_token
- set_last_password_entry
- set_login_requirement_error_message
- set_new_account_password
- set_notice_flash
- set_notice_now_flash
- set_password
- set_password_requirement_error_message
- set_redirect_error_flash
- set_redirect_error_status
- set_remember_cookie
- set_reset_password_email_last_sent
- set_response_error_reason_status
- set_response_error_status
- set_session_value
- set_single_session_key
- set_title
- set_unlock_account_email_last_sent
- set_verify_account_email_last_sent
- setup_account_verification
- show_lockout_page
- show_otp_auth_link?
- single_session_ds
- skip_login_field_on_login?
- skip_password_field_on_login?
- skip_status_checks?
- sms_auth_message
- sms_available?
- sms_code
- sms_code_issued_at
- sms_code_match?
- sms_codes_primary?
- sms_confirm
- sms_confirm_failure
- sms_confirm_message
- sms_confirmation_match?
- sms_current_auth?
- sms_disable
- sms_ds
- sms_failures
- sms_locked_out?
- sms_needs_confirmation?
- sms_needs_confirmation_notice_flash
- sms_new_auth_code
- sms_new_confirm_code
- sms_normalize_phone
- sms_phone
- sms_record_failure
- sms_remove_expired_confirm_code
- sms_remove_failures
- sms_send
- sms_send_auth_code
- sms_send_confirm_code
- sms_set_code
- sms_setup
- sms_setup?
- sms_valid_phone?
- split_token
- template_path
- throw_basic_auth_error
- throw_error
- throw_error_reason
- throw_error_status
- throw_rodauth_error
- timing_safe_eql?
- token_link
- token_param_value
- transaction
- translate
- two_factor_auth_links
- two_factor_authenticate
- two_factor_authenticated?
- two_factor_authentication_setup?
- two_factor_login_type_match?
- two_factor_modifications_require_password?
- two_factor_password_match?
- two_factor_remove
- two_factor_remove_auth_failures
- two_factor_remove_links
- two_factor_remove_session
- two_factor_setup_links
- two_factor_update_session
- unique_constraint_violation_class
- unlock_account
- unlock_account_email_link
- unlock_account_email_recently_sent?
- unverified_grace_period_expired?
- update_account
- update_activity
- update_current_session?
- update_hash_ds
- update_last_activity
- update_last_login
- update_login
- update_password_changed_at
- update_password_hash?
- update_session
- update_single_session_key
- update_sms
- use_database_authentication_functions?
- use_date_arithmetic?
- use_json?
- use_jwt?
- use_multi_phase_login?
- use_request_specific_csrf_tokens?
- uses_two_factor_authentication?
- valid_jwt?
- valid_login_entered?
- valid_new_webauthn_credential?
- valid_webauthn_credential_auth?
- verified_account?
- verify_account
- verify_account_check_already_logged_in
- verify_account_ds
- verify_account_email_link
- verify_account_email_recently_sent?
- verify_account_email_resend
- verify_account_key_insert_hash
- verify_account_set_password?
- verify_account_view
- verify_login_change
- verify_login_change_ds
- verify_login_change_email_body
- verify_login_change_email_link
- verify_login_change_key_insert_hash
- verify_login_change_old_login
- view
- webauthn_account_id
- webauthn_allow
- webauthn_auth_additional_form_tags
- webauthn_auth_credential_from_form_submission
- webauthn_auth_data
- webauthn_auth_form_path
- webauthn_authenticator_selection
- webauthn_create_relying_party_opts
- webauthn_credential_options_for_get
- webauthn_extensions
- webauthn_form_submission_call
- webauthn_key_insert_hash
- webauthn_keys_ds
- webauthn_login_options?
- webauthn_login_verification_factor?
- webauthn_origin
- webauthn_relying_party
- webauthn_remove_authenticated_session
- webauthn_rp_id
- webauthn_rp_name
- webauthn_setup?
- webauthn_setup_credential_from_form_submission
- webauthn_setup_data
- webauthn_update_session
- webauthn_user_ids_ds
- webauthn_user_name
- webauthn_user_verification
Classes and Modules
FEATURES | = | {} | ||
INVALID_DOMAIN | = | "invalidurl @@.com" | ||
MAJOR | = | 2 |
The major version of |
MINOR | = | 36 |
The minor version of |
TINY | = | 0 |
The patch version of |
VERSION | = | "#{MAJOR}.#{MINOR}.#{TINY}".freeze |
The full version of |
Public Instance Aliases
account_session_value | -> | account_id | |
ignore_uniqueness_violation | -> | raises_uniqueness_violation? |
If you just want to ignore uniqueness violations, this alias makes more sense. |
logged_in? | -> | session_value | |
raised_uniqueness_violation | -> | raises_uniqueness_violation? |
If you would like to operate/reraise the exception, this alias makes more sense. |
webauthn_get_relying_party_opts | -> | webauthn_create_relying_party_opts |
Public Class methods
# File lib/rodauth.rb 46 def self.configure(app, opts={}, &block) 47 json_opt = app.opts[:rodauth_json] = opts.fetch(:json, app.opts[:rodauth_json]) 48 csrf = app.opts[:rodauth_csrf] = opts.fetch(:csrf, app.opts[:rodauth_csrf]) 49 app.opts[:rodauth_route_csrf] = case csrf 50 when false, :rack_csrf 51 false 52 else 53 json_opt != :only 54 end 55 auth_class = (app.opts[:rodauths] ||= {})[opts[:name]] ||= opts[:auth_class] || Class.new(Auth) 56 if !auth_class.roda_class 57 auth_class.roda_class = app 58 elsif auth_class.roda_class != app 59 auth_class = app.opts[:rodauths][opts[:name]] = Class.new(auth_class) 60 auth_class.roda_class = app 61 end 62 auth_class.class_eval{@configuration_name = opts[:name] unless defined?(@configuration_name)} 63 auth_class.configure(&block) if block 64 auth_class.allocate.post_configure if auth_class.method_defined?(:post_configure) 65 end
# File lib/rodauth/migrations.rb 4 def self.create_database_authentication_functions(db, opts={}) 5 table_name = opts[:table_name] || :account_password_hashes 6 get_salt_name = opts[:get_salt_name] || :rodauth_get_salt 7 valid_hash_name = opts[:valid_hash_name] || :rodauth_valid_password_hash 8 argon2 = opts[:argon2] 9 10 case db.database_type 11 when :postgres 12 search_path = opts[:search_path] || 'public, pg_temp' 13 primary_key_type = 14 case db.schema(table_name).find { |row| row.first == :id }[1][:db_type] 15 when 'uuid' then :uuid 16 else :int8 17 end 18 table_name = db.literal(table_name) unless table_name.is_a?(String) 19 20 argon_sql = <<END 21 CASE 22 WHEN password_hash ~ '^\\$argon2id' 23 THEN substring(password_hash from '\\$argon2id\\$v=\\d+\\$m=\\d+,t=\\d+,p=\\d+\\$.+\\$') 24 ELSE substr(password_hash, 0, 30) 25 END INTO salt 26 END 27 db.run <<END 28 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION #{get_salt_name}(acct_id #{primary_key_type}) RETURNS text AS $$ 29 DECLARE salt text; 30 BEGIN 31 SELECT 32 #{argon2 ? argon_sql : "substr(password_hash, 0, 30) INTO salt"} 33 FROM #{table_name} 34 WHERE acct_id = id; 35 RETURN salt; 36 END; 37 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql 38 SECURITY DEFINER 39 SET search_path = #{search_path}; 40 END 41 42 db.run <<END 43 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION #{valid_hash_name}(acct_id #{primary_key_type}, hash text) RETURNS boolean AS $$ 44 DECLARE valid boolean; 45 BEGIN 46 SELECT password_hash = hash INTO valid 47 FROM #{table_name} 48 WHERE acct_id = id; 49 RETURN valid; 50 END; 51 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql 52 SECURITY DEFINER 53 SET search_path = #{search_path}; 54 END 55 when :mysql 56 argon_sql = <<END 57 CASE 58 WHEN password_hash REGEXP '^.argon2id' 59 THEN left(password_hash, CHAR_LENGTH(password_hash) - INSTR(REVERSE(password_hash), '$')) 60 ELSE substr(password_hash, 1, 30) 61 END 62 END 63 db.run <<END 64 CREATE FUNCTION #{get_salt_name}(acct_id int8) RETURNS varchar(255) 65 SQL SECURITY DEFINER 66 READS SQL DATA 67 BEGIN 68 RETURN (SELECT 69 #{argon2 ? argon_sql : "substr(password_hash, 1, 30)"} 70 FROM #{table_name} 71 WHERE acct_id = id); 72 END; 73 END 74 75 db.run <<END 76 CREATE FUNCTION #{valid_hash_name}(acct_id int8, hash varchar(255)) RETURNS tinyint(1) 77 SQL SECURITY DEFINER 78 READS SQL DATA 79 BEGIN 80 DECLARE valid tinyint(1); 81 DECLARE csr CURSOR FOR 82 SELECT password_hash = hash 83 FROM #{table_name} 84 WHERE acct_id = id; 85 OPEN csr; 86 FETCH csr INTO valid; 87 CLOSE csr; 88 RETURN valid; 89 END; 90 END 91 when :mssql 92 argon_sql = <<END 93 CASE 94 WHEN password_hash LIKE '[$]argon2id%' 95 THEN left(password_hash, len(password_hash) - charindex('$', reverse(password_hash))) 96 ELSE substring(password_hash, 0, 30) 97 END 98 END 99 db.run <<END 100 CREATE FUNCTION #{get_salt_name}(@account_id bigint) RETURNS nvarchar(255) 101 WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER 102 AS 103 BEGIN 104 DECLARE @salt nvarchar(255); 105 SELECT @salt = 106 #{argon2 ? argon_sql : "substring(password_hash, 0, 30)"} 107 FROM #{table_name} 108 WHERE id = @account_id; 109 RETURN @salt; 110 END; 111 END 112 113 db.run <<END 114 CREATE FUNCTION #{valid_hash_name}(@account_id bigint, @hash nvarchar(255)) RETURNS bit 115 WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER 116 AS 117 BEGIN 118 DECLARE @valid bit; 119 DECLARE @ph nvarchar(255); 120 SELECT @ph = password_hash 121 FROM #{table_name} 122 WHERE id = @account_id; 123 IF(@hash = @ph) 124 SET @valid = 1; 125 ELSE 126 SET @valid = 0 127 RETURN @valid; 128 END; 129 END 130 end 131 end
# File lib/rodauth/migrations.rb 153 def self.create_database_previous_password_check_functions(db, opts={}) 154 create_database_authentication_functions(db, {:table_name=>:account_previous_password_hashes, :get_salt_name=>:rodauth_get_previous_salt, :valid_hash_name=>:rodauth_previous_password_hash_match}.merge(opts)) 155 end
# File lib/rodauth/migrations.rb 133 def self.drop_database_authentication_functions(db, opts={}) 134 table_name = opts[:table_name] || :account_password_hashes 135 get_salt_name = opts[:get_salt_name] || :rodauth_get_salt 136 valid_hash_name = opts[:valid_hash_name] || :rodauth_valid_password_hash 137 138 case db.database_type 139 when :postgres 140 primary_key_type = 141 case db.schema(table_name).find { |row| row.first == :id }[1][:db_type] 142 when 'uuid' then :uuid 143 else :int8 144 end 145 db.run "DROP FUNCTION #{get_salt_name}(#{primary_key_type})" 146 db.run "DROP FUNCTION #{valid_hash_name}(#{primary_key_type}, text)" 147 when :mysql, :mssql 148 db.run "DROP FUNCTION #{get_salt_name}" 149 db.run "DROP FUNCTION #{valid_hash_name}" 150 end 151 end
# File lib/rodauth/migrations.rb 157 def self.drop_database_previous_password_check_functions(db, opts={}) 158 drop_database_authentication_functions(db, {:table_name=>:account_previous_password_hashes, :get_salt_name=>:rodauth_get_previous_salt, :valid_hash_name=>:rodauth_previous_password_hash_match}.merge(opts)) 159 end
# File lib/rodauth.rb 6 def self.lib(opts={}, &block) 7 require 'roda' 8 c = Class.new(Roda) 9 c.plugin(:rodauth, opts) do 10 enable :internal_request 11 instance_exec(&block) 12 end 13 c.freeze 14 c.rodauth 15 end
# File lib/rodauth.rb 17 def self.load_dependencies(app, opts={}, &_) 18 json_opt = opts.fetch(:json, app.opts[:rodauth_json]) 19 if json_opt 20 app.plugin :json 21 app.plugin :json_parser 22 end 23 24 unless json_opt == :only 25 unless opts[:render] == false 26 require 'tilt/string' 27 app.plugin :render 28 end 29 30 case opts.fetch(:csrf, app.opts[:rodauth_csrf]) 31 when false 32 # nothing 33 when :rack_csrf 34 # :nocov: 35 app.plugin :csrf 36 # :nocov: 37 else 38 app.plugin :route_csrf 39 end 40 41 app.plugin :flash unless opts[:flash] == false 42 app.plugin :h 43 end 44 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 143 def initialize(scope) 144 @scope = scope 145 end
Public Instance methods
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 236 def _account_from_email_auth_key(token) 237 account_from_key(token, account_open_status_value){|id| get_email_auth_key(id)} 238 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 748 def _account_from_id(id, status_id=nil) 749 ds = account_ds(id) 750 ds = ds.where(account_status_column=>status_id) if status_id && !skip_status_checks? 751 ds.first 752 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 735 def _account_from_login(login) 736 ds = account_table_ds.where(login_column=>login) 737 ds = ds.select(*account_select) if account_select 738 ds = ds.where(account_status_column=>[account_unverified_status_value, account_open_status_value]) unless skip_status_checks? 739 ds.first 740 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 111 def _account_from_refresh_token(token) 112 id, token_id, key = _account_refresh_token_split(token) 113 114 unless key && 115 (id.to_s == session_value.to_s) && 116 (actual = get_active_refresh_token(id, token_id)) && 117 (timing_safe_eql?(key, convert_token_key(actual)) || (hmac_secret_rotation? && timing_safe_eql?(key, compute_old_hmac(actual)))) && 118 jwt_refresh_token_match?(key) 119 return 120 end 121 122 ds = account_ds(id) 123 ds = ds.where(account_session_status_filter) unless skip_status_checks? 124 ds.first 125 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 253 def _account_from_reset_password_key(token) 254 account_from_key(token, account_open_status_value){|id| get_password_reset_key(id)} 255 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 742 def _account_from_session 743 ds = account_ds(session_value) 744 ds = ds.where(account_session_status_filter) unless skip_status_checks? 745 ds.first 746 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 297 def _account_from_unlock_key(token) 298 account_from_key(token){|id| account_lockouts_ds(id).get(account_lockouts_key_column)} 299 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 302 def _account_from_verify_account_key(token) 303 account_from_key(token, account_unverified_status_value){|id| get_verify_account_key(id)} 304 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 210 def _account_from_verify_login_change_key(token) 211 account_from_key(token) do |id| 212 @verify_login_change_new_login, key = get_verify_login_change_login_and_key(id) 213 key 214 end 215 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 127 def _account_refresh_token_split(token) 128 id, token = split_token(token) 129 id = convert_token_id(id) 130 return unless id && token 131 132 token_id, key = split_token(token) 133 token_id = convert_token_id(token_id) 134 return unless token_id && key 135 136 [id, token_id, key] 137 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 537 def _around_rodauth 538 yield 539 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 178 def _email_auth_request 179 if email_auth_email_recently_sent? 180 set_redirect_error_flash email_auth_email_recently_sent_error_flash 181 redirect email_auth_email_recently_sent_redirect 182 end 183 184 generate_email_auth_key_value 185 transaction do 186 before_email_auth_request 187 create_email_auth_key 188 send_email_auth_email 189 after_email_auth_request 190 end 191 192 email_auth_email_sent_response 193 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 767 def _field_attributes(field) 768 nil 769 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 771 def _field_error_attributes(field) 772 " aria-invalid=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"#{field}_error_message\" " 773 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 862 def _filter_links(links) 863 links.select!{|_, link| link} 864 links.sort! 865 links 866 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 775 def _formatted_field_error(field, error) 776 "<span class=\"#{input_field_error_message_class}\" id=\"#{field}_error_message\">#{error}</span>" 777 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 231 def _get_remember_cookie 232 request.cookies[remember_cookie_key] 233 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 215 def _json_response_body(hash) 216 request.send(:convert_to_json, hash) 217 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 112 def _jwt_decode_opts 113 jwt_decode_opts 114 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 117 def _jwt_decode_secrets 118 secrets = [jwt_secret, jwt_old_secret] 119 secrets.compact! 120 secrets 121 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 167 def _login(auth_type) 168 warn("Deprecated #_login method called, use #login instead.") 169 login(auth_type) 170 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 147 def _login_response 148 set_notice_flash login_notice_flash 149 redirect(saved_login_redirect || login_redirect) 150 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 168 def _multi_phase_login_forms 169 forms = super 170 forms << [30, email_auth_request_form, :_email_auth_request] if valid_login_entered? && allow_email_auth? 171 forms 172 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/create_account.rb 121 def _new_account(login) 122 acc = {login_column=>login} 123 unless skip_status_checks? 124 acc[account_status_column] = account_initial_status_value 125 end 126 acc 127 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 446 def _otp 447 _otp_for_key(otp_user_key) 448 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 431 def _otp_add_key(secret) 432 # Uniqueness errors can't be handled here, as we can't be sure the secret provided 433 # is the same as the current secret. 434 otp_key_ds.insert(otp_keys_id_column=>session_value, otp_keys_column=>secret) 435 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 442 def _otp_for_key(key) 443 otp_class.new(key, :issuer=>otp_issuer, :digits=>otp_digits, :interval=>otp_interval) 444 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 423 def _otp_interval 424 otp_interval || 30 425 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 437 def _otp_key 438 @otp_user_key = nil 439 otp_key_ds.get(otp_keys_column) 440 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 417 def _otp_tmp_key(secret) 418 @otp_tmp_key = true 419 @otp_user_key = nil 420 @otp_key = secret 421 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 262 def _otp_valid_code?(ot_pass, otp) 263 return false unless otp_exists? 264 ot_pass = ot_pass.gsub(/\s+/, '') 265 if drift = otp_drift 266 if otp.respond_to?(:verify_with_drift) 267 # :nocov: 268 otp.verify_with_drift(ot_pass, drift) 269 # :nocov: 270 else 271 otp.verify(ot_pass, :drift_behind=>drift, :drift_ahead=>drift) 272 end 273 else 274 otp.verify(ot_pass) 275 end 276 end
Called for valid OTP codes for old secrets
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 428 def _otp_valid_code_for_old_secret 429 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 431 def _override_webauthn_credential_response_verify(webauthn_credential) 432 # no need to override 433 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 541 def _process_raw_hmac(hmac) 542 s = [hmac].pack('m') 543 s.chomp!("=\n") 544 s.tr!('+/', '-_') 545 s 546 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 260 def _recovery_codes 261 recovery_codes_ds.select_map(recovery_codes_column) 262 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 205 def _return_json_response 206 response.status ||= json_response_error_status if json_response_error? 207 response['Content-Type'] ||= json_response_content_type 208 return_response _json_response_body(json_response) 209 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 75 def _set_otp_unlock_info 76 if use_json? 77 json_response[:num_successes] = otp_unlock_num_successes 78 json_response[:required_successes] = otp_unlock_auths_required 79 json_response[:next_attempt_after] = otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after.to_i 80 end 81 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 180 def _set_remember_cookie(account_id, remember_key_value, deadline) 181 opts = Hash[remember_cookie_options] 182 opts[:value] = "#{account_id}_#{convert_token_key(remember_key_value)}" 183 opts[:expires] = convert_timestamp(deadline) 184 opts[:path] = "/" unless opts.key?(:path) 185 opts[:httponly] = true unless opts.key?(:httponly) || opts.key?(:http_only) 186 opts[:secure] = true unless opts.key?(:secure) || !request.ssl? 187 ::Rack::Utils.set_cookie_header!(response.headers, remember_cookie_key, opts) 188 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 169 def _setup_account_lockouts_hash(account_id, key) 170 hash = {account_lockouts_id_column=>account_id, account_lockouts_key_column=>key} 171 set_deadline_value(hash, account_lockouts_deadline_column, account_lockouts_deadline_interval) 172 hash 173 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 472 def _sms_request_response 473 set_notice_flash sms_request_notice_flash 474 redirect sms_auth_redirect 475 end
Set the template path only if there isn’t an overridden template in the application. Result should replace existing template opts.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 910 def _template_opts(opts, page) 911 opts = scope.send(:find_template, scope.send(:parse_template_opts, page, opts)) 912 unless File.file?(scope.send(:template_path, opts)) 913 opts[:path] = template_path(page) 914 end 915 opts 916 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/confirm_password.rb 79 def _two_factor_auth_links 80 links = (super if defined?(super)) || [] 81 if authenticated_by.length == 1 && !authenticated_by.include?('password') && has_password? 82 links << [5, confirm_password_path, confirm_password_link_text] 83 end 84 links 85 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 255 def _two_factor_auth_response 256 saved_two_factor_auth_redirect = remove_session_value(two_factor_auth_redirect_session_key) 257 set_notice_flash two_factor_auth_notice_flash 258 redirect(saved_two_factor_auth_redirect || two_factor_auth_redirect) 259 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 365 def _two_factor_remove_all_from_session 366 two_factor_remove_session('totp') 367 super 368 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 359 def _two_factor_remove_links 360 links = super 361 links << [20, otp_disable_path, otp_disable_link_text] if otp_exists? 362 links 363 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 353 def _two_factor_setup_links 354 links = super 355 links << [20, otp_setup_path, otp_setup_link_text] unless otp_exists? 356 links 357 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_login.rb 83 def _update_login(login) 84 updated = nil 85 raised = raises_uniqueness_violation?{updated = update_account({login_column=>login}, account_ds.exclude(login_column=>login)) == 1} 86 if raised 87 set_login_requirement_error_message(:already_an_account_with_this_login, already_an_account_with_this_login_message) 88 end 89 updated && !raised 90 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 918 def _view(meth, page) 919 scope.send(meth, _view_opts(page)) 920 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 899 def _view_opts(page) 900 opts = template_opts.dup 901 opts[:locals] = opts[:locals] ? opts[:locals].dup : {} 902 opts[:locals][:rodauth] = self 903 opts[:cache] = cache_templates 904 opts[:cache_key] = :"rodauth_#{page}" 905 _template_opts(opts, page) 906 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 381 def account! 382 account || (session_value && account_from_session) 383 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 104 def account_activity_ds(account_id) 105 db[account_activity_table]. 106 where(account_activity_id_column=>account_id) 107 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 787 def account_ds(id=account_id) 788 raise ArgumentError, "invalid account id passed to account_ds" unless id 789 ds = account_table_ds.where(account_id_column=>id) 790 ds = ds.select(*account_select) if account_select 791 ds 792 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 54 def account_expired? 55 columns = [account_activity_last_activity_column, account_activity_last_login_column, account_activity_expired_column] 56 last_activity, last_login, expired = account_activity_ds(account_id).get(columns) 57 return true if expired 58 timestamp = convert_timestamp(expire_account_on_last_activity? ? last_activity : last_login) 59 return false unless timestamp 60 timestamp < Time.now - expire_account_after 61 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 35 def account_expired_at 36 get_activity_timestamp(account_id, account_activity_expired_column) 37 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 131 def account_from_email_auth_key(key) 132 @account = _account_from_email_auth_key(key) 133 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 389 def account_from_id(id, status_id=nil) 390 @account = _account_from_id(id, status_id) 391 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 65 def account_from_key(token, status_id=nil) 66 id, key = split_token(token) 67 id = convert_token_id(id) 68 return unless id && key 69 70 return unless actual = yield(id) 71 72 unless (hmac_secret && timing_safe_eql?(key, convert_email_token_key(actual))) || 73 (hmac_secret_rotation? && timing_safe_eql?(key, compute_old_hmac(actual))) || 74 ((!hmac_secret || allow_raw_email_token?) && timing_safe_eql?(key, actual)) 75 return 76 end 77 _account_from_id(id, status_id) 78 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 279 def account_from_login(login) 280 @account = _account_from_login(login) 281 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 88 def account_from_refresh_token(token) 89 @account = _account_from_refresh_token(token) 90 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 211 def account_from_remember_cookie 212 unless id = remembered_session_id 213 # Only set expired cookie if there is already a cookie set. 214 forget_login if _get_remember_cookie 215 return 216 end 217 218 set_session_value(session_key, id) 219 account_from_session 220 remove_session_value(session_key) 221 222 unless account 223 remove_remember_key(id) 224 forget_login 225 return 226 end 227 228 account 229 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 45 def account_from_reset_password_key(key) 46 if a = super 47 check_password_change_allowed 48 end 49 a 50 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 385 def account_from_session 386 @account = _account_from_session 387 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 220 def account_from_unlock_key(key) 221 @account = _account_from_unlock_key(key) 222 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 196 def account_from_verify_account_key(key) 197 @account = _account_from_verify_account_key(key) 198 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 120 def account_from_verify_login_change_key(key) 121 @account = _account_from_verify_login_change_key(key) 122 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_autofill.rb 44 def account_from_webauthn_login 45 return super if param_or_nil(login_param) 46 47 credential_id = webauthn_auth_data["id"] 48 account_id = db[webauthn_keys_table] 49 .where(webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column => credential_id) 50 .get(webauthn_keys_account_id_column) 51 52 unless account_id 53 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_id, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_webauthn_id_message) 54 end 55 56 account_from_id(account_id) 57 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 269 def account_id 270 account[account_id_column] 271 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account_grace_period.rb 85 def account_in_unverified_grace_period? 86 return false unless account! 87 account[account_status_column] == account_unverified_status_value && 88 verify_account_grace_period && 89 !verify_account_ds.where(Sequel.date_add(verification_requested_at_column, :seconds=>verify_account_grace_period) > Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).empty? 90 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 377 def account_initial_status_value 378 account_open_status_value 379 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 293 def account_lockouts_ds(id=account_id) 294 db[account_lockouts_table].where(account_lockouts_id_column=>id) 295 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 289 def account_login_failures_ds 290 db[account_login_failures_table].where(account_login_failures_id_column=>account_id) 291 end
If the account_password_hash_column
is set, the password hash is verified in ruby, it will not use a database function to do so, it will check the password hash using bcrypt.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 303 def account_password_hash_column 304 nil 305 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 779 def account_session_status_filter 780 {account_status_column=>account_open_status_value} 781 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 794 def account_table_ds 795 db[accounts_table] 796 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 271 def account_webauthn_ids 272 webauthn_keys_ds.select_map(webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column) 273 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 275 def account_webauthn_usage 276 webauthn_keys_ds.select_hash(webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column, webauthn_keys_last_use_column) 277 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 279 def account_webauthn_user_id 280 unless webauthn_id = webauthn_user_ids_ds.get(webauthn_user_ids_webauthn_id_column) 281 webauthn_id = WebAuthn.generate_user_id 282 if e = raised_uniqueness_violation do 283 webauthn_user_ids_ds.insert( 284 webauthn_user_ids_account_id_column => webauthn_account_id, 285 webauthn_user_ids_webauthn_id_column => webauthn_id 286 ) 287 end 288 # If two requests to create a webauthn user id are sent at the same time and an insert 289 # is attempted for both, one will fail with a unique constraint violation. In that case 290 # it is safe for the second one to use the webauthn user id inserted by the other request. 291 # If there is still no webauthn user id at this point, then we'll just reraise the 292 # exception. 293 # :nocov: 294 raise e unless webauthn_id = webauthn_user_ids_ds.get(webauthn_user_ids_webauthn_id_column) 295 # :nocov: 296 end 297 end 298 299 webauthn_id 300 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 259 def active_remember_key_ds(id=account_id) 260 remember_key_ds(id).where(Sequel.expr(remember_deadline_column) > Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) 261 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 199 def active_sessions_ds 200 db[active_sessions_table]. 201 where(active_sessions_account_id_column=>session_value || account_id) 202 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 162 def active_sessions_insert_hash 163 {active_sessions_account_id_column => session_value, active_sessions_session_id_column => compute_hmac(active_sessions_key)} 164 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 166 def active_sessions_update_hash 167 h = {active_sessions_last_use_column => Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} 168 169 if hmac_secret_rotation? 170 h[active_sessions_session_id_column] = compute_hmac(session[session_id_session_key]) 171 end 172 173 h 174 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 68 def add_active_session 69 key = generate_active_sessions_key 70 set_session_value(session_id_session_key, key) 71 if e = raises_uniqueness_violation?{active_sessions_ds.insert(active_sessions_insert_hash)} 72 handle_duplicate_active_session_id(e) 73 end 74 nil 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 39 def add_audit_log(account_id, action) 40 if hash = audit_log_insert_hash(account_id, action) 41 audit_log_ds.insert(hash) 42 end 43 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 184 def add_field_error_class(field) 185 if field_error(field) 186 " #{input_field_error_class}" 187 end 188 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 25 def add_previous_password_hash(hash) 26 ds = previous_password_ds 27 28 unless @dont_check_previous_password 29 keep_before = ds.reverse(previous_password_id_column). 30 limit(nil, previous_passwords_to_check). 31 get(previous_password_id_column) 32 33 if keep_before 34 ds.where(Sequel.expr(previous_password_id_column) <= keep_before). 35 delete 36 end 37 end 38 39 # This should never raise uniqueness violations, as it uses a serial primary key 40 ds.insert(previous_password_account_id_column=>account_id, previous_password_hash_column=>hash) 41 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 187 def add_recovery_code 188 # This should never raise uniqueness violations unless the recovery code is the same, and the odds of that 189 # are 1/256**32 assuming a good random number generator. Still, attempt to handle that case by retrying 190 # on such a uniqueness violation. 191 retry_on_uniqueness_violation do 192 recovery_codes_ds.insert(recovery_codes_id_column=>session_value, recovery_codes_column=>new_recovery_code) 193 end 194 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 177 def add_recovery_codes(number) 178 return if number <= 0 179 transaction do 180 number.times do 181 add_recovery_code 182 end 183 end 184 remove_instance_variable(:@recovery_codes) 185 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 159 def add_remember_key 160 hash = {remember_id_column=>account_id, remember_key_column=>remember_key_value} 161 set_deadline_value(hash, remember_deadline_column, remember_deadline_interval) 162 163 if e = raised_uniqueness_violation{remember_key_ds.insert(hash)} 164 # If inserting into the remember key table causes a violation, we can pull the 165 # existing row from the table. If there is no invalid row, we can then reraise. 166 raise e unless @remember_key_value = active_remember_key_ds.get(remember_key_column) 167 end 168 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 151 def add_webauthn_credential(_) 152 super if defined?(super) 153 auto_add_missing_recovery_codes 154 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_password_notify.rb 11 def after_change_password 12 super 13 send_password_changed_email 14 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 99 def after_close_account 100 super if defined?(super) 101 account_activity_ds(account_id).delete 102 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 87 def after_create_account 88 if account_password_hash_column && !(respond_to?(:verify_account_set_password?) && verify_account_set_password?) 89 add_previous_password_hash(password_hash(param(password_param))) 90 end 91 super if defined?(super) 92 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 201 def after_login 202 # Remove the email auth key after any login, even if 203 # it is a password login. This is done to invalidate 204 # the email login when a user has a password and requests 205 # email authentication, but then remembers their password 206 # and doesn't need the link. At that point, the link 207 # that allows login access to the account becomes a 208 # security liability, and it is best to remove it. 209 remove_email_auth_key 210 super 211 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 149 def after_login_entered_during_multi_phase_login 150 # If forcing email auth, just send the email link. 151 _email_auth_request if force_email_auth? 152 153 super 154 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 256 def after_login_failure 257 invalid_login_attempted 258 super 259 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 235 def after_logout 236 forget_login 237 super if defined?(super) 238 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_lockout_email.rb 18 def after_otp_authentication_failure 19 super 20 21 if otp_locked_out? && send_otp_locked_out_email? 22 send_otp_locked_out_email 23 end 24 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_modify_email.rb 18 def after_otp_disable 19 super 20 send_otp_disabled_email 21 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_modify_email.rb 13 def after_otp_setup 14 super 15 send_otp_setup_email 16 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 91 def after_otp_unlock_auth_failure 92 super if defined?(super) 93 _set_otp_unlock_info 94 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 83 def after_otp_unlock_auth_success 84 super if defined?(super) 85 if otp_locked_out? 86 _set_otp_unlock_info 87 json_response[:deadline] = otp_unlock_deadline.to_i 88 end 89 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 96 def after_otp_unlock_not_yet_available 97 super if defined?(super) 98 _set_otp_unlock_info 99 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 130 def after_refresh_token 131 super if defined?(super) 132 if prev_key = session[session_id_session_key] 133 key = generate_active_sessions_key 134 set_session_value(session_id_session_key, key) 135 active_sessions_ds. 136 where(active_sessions_session_id_column => compute_hmacs(prev_key)). 137 update(active_sessions_session_id_column => compute_hmac(key)) 138 end 139 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_grace_period.rb 39 def after_reset_password 40 super if defined?(super) 41 @last_password_entry = Time.now.to_i 42 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 230 def after_sms_disable 231 super if defined?(super) 232 auto_remove_recovery_codes 233 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 235 def after_webauthn_remove 236 super if defined?(super) 237 auto_remove_recovery_codes 238 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_modify_email.rb 13 def after_webauthn_setup 14 super 15 send_webauthn_authenticator_added_email 16 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 197 def allow_email_auth? 198 defined?(super) ? super : true 199 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 163 def allow_resending_verify_account_email? 164 account[account_status_column] == account_unverified_status_value 165 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 311 def already_logged_in 312 nil 313 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 105 def argon2_hash_algorithm?(hash) 106 hash.start_with?('$argon2id$') 107 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 76 def argon2_hash_cost 77 { t_cost: 1, m_cost: 5, p_cost: 1 } 78 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 109 def argon2_password_hash_match?(hash, password) 110 ret = ::Argon2::Password.verify_password(password, hash, argon2_secret) 111 112 if ret == false && argon2_old_secret != argon2_secret && (ret = ::Argon2::Password.verify_password(password, hash, argon2_old_secret)) 113 @update_password_hash = true 114 end 115 116 ret 117 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 60 def argon2_password_hash_using_salt_and_secret(password, salt, secret) 61 argon2_params = Hash[extract_password_hash_cost(salt)] 62 argon2_params[argon2_salt_option] = salt.split('$').last.unpack("m")[0] 63 argon2_params[:secret] = secret 64 ::Argon2::Password.new(argon2_params).create(password) 65 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 34 def argon2_salt_option 35 :salt_do_not_supply 36 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 83 def audit_log_ds 84 ds = db[audit_logging_table] 85 # :nocov: 86 if db.database_type == :postgres 87 # :nocov: 88 # For PostgreSQL, use RETURNING NULL. This allows the feature 89 # to be used with INSERT but not SELECT permissions on the 90 # table, useful for audit logging where the database user 91 # the application is running as should not need to read the 92 # logs. 93 ds = ds.returning(nil) 94 end 95 ds 96 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 45 def audit_log_insert_hash(account_id, action) 46 if message = audit_log_message(action) 47 { 48 audit_logging_account_id_column => account_id, 49 audit_logging_message_column => message, 50 audit_logging_metadata_column => serialize_audit_log_metadata(audit_log_metadata(action)) 51 } 52 end 53 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 63 def audit_log_message(action) 64 meth = :"audit_log_message_for_#{action}" 65 if respond_to?(meth, true) 66 send(meth) 67 else 68 audit_log_message_default(action) 69 end 70 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 59 def audit_log_message_default(action) 60 action.to_s 61 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 72 def audit_log_metadata(action) 73 meth = :"audit_log_metadata_for_#{action}" 74 if respond_to?(meth, true) 75 send(meth) 76 else 77 audit_log_metadata_default 78 end 79 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 134 def auth_class_eval(&block) 135 auth.class_eval(&block) 136 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 364 def authenticated? 365 logged_in? 366 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 467 def authenticated_by 468 session[authenticated_by_session_key] 469 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 251 def authenticated_webauthn_id 252 session[authenticated_webauthn_id_session_key] 253 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 248 def auto_add_missing_recovery_codes 249 if auto_add_recovery_codes? 250 add_recovery_codes(recovery_codes_limit - recovery_codes.length) 251 end 252 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 254 def auto_remove_recovery_codes 255 if auto_remove_recovery_codes? && (%w'totp webauthn sms_code' & possible_authentication_methods).empty? 256 recovery_codes_remove 257 end 258 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 214 def autocomplete_for_field?(_param) 215 mark_input_fields_with_autocomplete? 216 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 480 def autologin_session(autologin_type) 481 login_session('autologin') 482 set_session_value(autologin_type_session_key, autologin_type) 483 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 476 def autologin_type 477 session[autologin_type_session_key] 478 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 412 def base32_encode(data, length) 413 chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567' 414 length.times.map{|i|chars[data[i].ord % 32]}.join 415 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 517 def base_url 518 url = String.new("#{request.scheme}://#{domain}") 519 url << ":#{request.port}" if request.port != Rack::Request::DEFAULT_PORTS[request.scheme] 520 url 521 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account_grace_period.rb 58 def before_change_login_route 59 unless verified_account? 60 set_redirect_error_flash unverified_change_login_error_flash 61 redirect unverified_change_login_redirect 62 end 63 super if defined?(super) 64 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 90 def before_change_password_route 91 check_password_change_allowed 92 super 93 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 77 def before_create_account_route 78 super if defined?(super) 79 @dont_check_previous_password = true 80 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 244 def before_login_attempt 245 if locked_out? 246 show_lockout_page 247 end 248 super 249 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 146 def before_logout 147 if param_or_nil(global_logout_param) 148 remove_remember_key(session_value) if respond_to?(:remove_remember_key) 149 remove_all_active_sessions 150 else 151 remove_current_session 152 end 153 super 154 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 165 def before_otp_setup_route 166 super if defined?(super) 167 if use_json? && otp_keys_use_hmac? && !param_or_nil(otp_setup_raw_param) 168 _otp_tmp_key(otp_new_secret) 169 json_response[otp_setup_param] = otp_user_key 170 json_response[otp_setup_raw_param] = otp_key 171 end 172 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 79 def before_reset_password 80 check_account_expiration 81 super if defined?(super) 82 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 84 def before_reset_password_request 85 check_account_expiration 86 super if defined?(super) 87 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 174 def before_rodauth 175 if json_request? 176 if json_check_accept? && (accept = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && accept !~ json_accept_regexp 177 response.status = 406 178 json_response[json_response_error_key] = json_not_accepted_error_message 179 _return_json_response 180 end 181 182 unless request.post? 183 response.status = 405 184 response.headers['Allow'] = 'POST' 185 json_response[json_response_error_key] = json_non_post_error_message 186 return_json_response 187 end 188 elsif only_json? 189 response.status = json_response_error_status 190 return_response non_json_request_error_message 191 end 192 193 super 194 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 111 def before_two_factor_auth_route 112 super if defined?(super) 113 if use_json? 114 json_response[:auth_links] = two_factor_auth_links.sort.map{|_,link| link} 115 json_response[json_response_success_key] ||= "" if include_success_messages? 116 return_json_response 117 end 118 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 101 def before_two_factor_manage_route 102 super if defined?(super) 103 if use_json? 104 json_response[:setup_links] = two_factor_setup_links.sort.map{|_,link| link} 105 json_response[:remove_links] = two_factor_remove_links.sort.map{|_,link| link} 106 json_response[json_response_success_key] ||= "" if include_success_messages? 107 return_json_response 108 end 109 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 89 def before_unlock_account 90 check_account_expiration 91 super if defined?(super) 92 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 94 def before_unlock_account_request 95 check_account_expiration 96 super if defined?(super) 97 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_verify_account.rb 30 def before_verify_account 31 super 32 if features.include?(:json) && use_json? && !param_or_nil(webauthn_setup_param) 33 cred = new_webauthn_credential 34 json_response[webauthn_setup_param] = cred.as_json 35 json_response[webauthn_setup_challenge_param] = cred.challenge 36 json_response[webauthn_setup_challenge_hmac_param] = compute_hmac(cred.challenge) 37 end 38 @webauthn_credential = webauthn_setup_credential_from_form_submission 39 add_webauthn_credential(@webauthn_credential) 40 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 82 def before_verify_account_route 83 super if defined?(super) 84 @dont_check_previous_password = true 85 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 120 def before_view_recovery_codes 121 super if defined?(super) 122 if use_json? 123 json_response[:codes] = recovery_codes 124 json_response[json_response_success_key] ||= "" if include_success_messages? 125 end 126 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 138 def before_webauthn_auth_route 139 super if defined?(super) 140 if use_json? && !param_or_nil(webauthn_auth_param) 141 cred = webauthn_credential_options_for_get 142 json_response[webauthn_auth_param] = cred.as_json 143 json_response[webauthn_auth_challenge_param] = cred.challenge 144 json_response[webauthn_auth_challenge_hmac_param] = compute_hmac(cred.challenge) 145 end 146 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 148 def before_webauthn_login_route 149 super if defined?(super) 150 if use_json? && !param_or_nil(webauthn_auth_param) && webauthn_login_options? 151 cred = webauthn_credential_options_for_get 152 json_response[webauthn_auth_param] = cred.as_json 153 json_response[webauthn_auth_challenge_param] = cred.challenge 154 json_response[webauthn_auth_challenge_hmac_param] = compute_hmac(cred.challenge) 155 end 156 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 158 def before_webauthn_remove_route 159 super if defined?(super) 160 if use_json? && !param_or_nil(webauthn_remove_param) 161 json_response[webauthn_remove_param] = account_webauthn_usage 162 end 163 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 128 def before_webauthn_setup_route 129 super if defined?(super) 130 if use_json? && !param_or_nil(webauthn_setup_param) 131 cred = new_webauthn_credential 132 json_response[webauthn_setup_param] = cred.as_json 133 json_response[webauthn_setup_challenge_param] = cred.challenge 134 json_response[webauthn_setup_challenge_hmac_param] = compute_hmac(cred.challenge) 135 end 136 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 417 def button(value, opts={}) 418 scope.render(button_opts(value, opts)) 419 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 409 def button_opts(value, opts) 410 opts = Hash[template_opts].merge!(opts) 411 opts[:locals] = {:value=>value, :opts=>opts} 412 opts[:cache] = cache_templates 413 opts[:cache_key] = :rodauth_button 414 _template_opts(opts, 'button') 415 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 173 def can_add_recovery_codes? 174 recovery_codes.length < recovery_codes_limit 175 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 635 def catch_error(&block) 636 catch(:rodauth_error, &block) 637 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_login.rb 68 def change_login(login) 69 if account_ds.get(login_column).downcase == login.downcase 70 set_login_requirement_error_message(:same_as_current_login, same_as_current_login_message) 71 return false 72 end 73 74 update_login(login) 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 136 def change_login_notice_flash 137 change_login_needs_verification_notice_flash 138 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_login.rb 64 def change_login_requires_password? 65 modifications_require_password? 66 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_password.rb 68 def change_password_requires_password? 69 modifications_require_password? 70 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 63 def check_account_expiration 64 if account_expired? 65 set_expired unless account_expired_at 66 set_redirect_error_flash account_expiration_error_flash 67 redirect account_expiration_redirect 68 end 69 update_last_login 70 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 54 def check_active_session 55 if logged_in? && !currently_active_session? 56 no_longer_active_session 57 end 58 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 307 def check_already_logged_in 308 already_logged_in if logged_in? 309 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 393 def check_csrf 394 scope.check_csrf!(check_csrf_opts, &check_csrf_block) 395 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 697 def check_csrf? 698 scope.opts[:rodauth_route_csrf] 699 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 30 def check_password_change_allowed 31 if password_changed_at = get_password_changed_at 32 if password_changed_at > Time.now - allow_password_change_after 33 set_redirect_error_flash password_not_changeable_yet_error_flash 34 redirect password_not_changeable_yet_redirect 35 end 36 end 37 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/session_expiration.rb 15 def check_session_expiration 16 return unless logged_in? 17 18 unless session.has_key?(session_last_activity_session_key) && session.has_key?(session_created_session_key) 19 if session_expiration_default 20 expire_session 21 end 22 23 return 24 end 25 26 time = Time.now.to_i 27 28 if session[session_last_activity_session_key] + session_inactivity_timeout < time 29 expire_session 30 end 31 set_session_value(session_last_activity_session_key, time) 32 33 if session[session_created_session_key] + max_session_lifetime < time 34 expire_session 35 end 36 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/single_session.rb 52 def check_single_session 53 if logged_in? && !currently_active_session? 54 no_longer_active_session 55 end 56 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 370 def clear_cached_otp 371 remove_instance_variable(:@otp) if defined?(@otp) 372 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 165 def clear_invalid_login_attempts 166 unlock_account 167 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 323 def clear_session 324 if scope.respond_to?(:clear_session) 325 scope.clear_session 326 else 327 session.clear 328 end 329 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/close_account.rb 66 def close_account 67 unless skip_status_checks? 68 update_account(account_status_column=>account_closed_status_value) 69 end 70 71 unless account_password_hash_column 72 password_hash_ds.delete 73 end 74 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/close_account.rb 62 def close_account_requires_password? 63 modifications_require_password? 64 end
Return urlsafe base64 HMAC for data, assumes hmac_secret is set.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 248 def compute_hmac(data) 249 _process_raw_hmac(compute_raw_hmac(data)) 250 end
Return array of hmacs. Array has two strings if hmac_old_secret is set, or one string otherwise.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 259 def compute_hmacs(data) 260 hmacs = [compute_hmac(data)] 261 262 if hmac_old_secret 263 hmacs << compute_old_hmac(data) 264 end 265 266 hmacs 267 end
Return urlsafe base64 HMAC for data using hmac_old_secret, assumes hmac_old_secret is set.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 253 def compute_old_hmac(data) 254 _process_raw_hmac(compute_raw_hmac_with_secret(data, hmac_old_secret)) 255 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 758 def compute_raw_hmac(data) 759 raise ArgumentError, "hmac_secret not set" unless hmac_secret 760 compute_raw_hmac_with_secret(data, hmac_secret) 761 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 763 def compute_raw_hmac_with_secret(data, secret) 764 OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, secret, data) 765 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/confirm_password.rb 63 def confirm_password 64 authenticated_by.delete('autologin') 65 authenticated_by.delete('remember') 66 authenticated_by.delete('email_auth') 67 authenticated_by.delete('password') 68 authenticated_by.unshift("password") 69 remove_session_value(autologin_type_session_key) 70 nil 71 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/confirm_password.rb 73 def confirm_password_redirect 74 remove_session_value(confirm_password_redirect_session_key) || default_redirect 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 61 def convert_email_token_key(key) 62 convert_token_key(key) 63 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 614 def convert_session_key(key) 615 key = :"#{session_key_prefix}#{key}" if session_key_prefix 616 normalize_session_or_flash_key(key) 617 end
This is needed for jdbc/sqlite, which returns timestamp columns as strings
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 803 def convert_timestamp(timestamp) 804 timestamp = db.to_application_timestamp(timestamp) if timestamp.is_a?(String) 805 timestamp 806 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 568 def convert_token_id(id) 569 if convert_token_id_to_integer? 570 convert_token_id_to_integer(id) 571 else 572 id 573 end 574 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 576 def convert_token_id_to_integer(id) 577 if id = (Integer(id, 10) rescue nil) 578 if id > 9223372036854775807 || id < -9223372036854775808 579 # Only allow 64-bit signed integer range to avoid problems on PostgreSQL 580 id = nil 581 end 582 end 583 584 id 585 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 556 def convert_token_key(key) 557 if key && hmac_secret 558 compute_hmac(key) 559 else 560 key 561 end 562 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 216 def create_account_autologin? 217 false 218 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 183 def create_account_notice_flash 184 verify_account_email_sent_notice_flash 185 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 220 def create_account_set_password? 221 return false if verify_account_set_password? 222 super 223 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 40 def create_email(subject, body) 41 create_email_to(email_to, subject, body) 42 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 102 def create_email_auth_key 103 transaction do 104 if email_auth_key_value = get_email_auth_key(account_id) 105 set_email_auth_email_last_sent 106 @email_auth_key_value = email_auth_key_value 107 elsif e = raised_uniqueness_violation{email_auth_ds.insert(email_auth_key_insert_hash)} 108 # If inserting into the email auth table causes a violation, we can pull the 109 # existing email auth key from the table, or reraise. 110 raise e unless @email_auth_key_value = get_email_auth_key(account_id) 111 end 112 end 113 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 44 def create_email_to(to, subject, body) 45 m = Mail.new 46 m.from = email_from 47 m.to = to 48 m.subject = "#{email_subject_prefix}#{subject}" 49 m.body = body 50 m 51 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 164 def create_reset_password_key 165 transaction do 166 if reset_password_key_value = get_password_reset_key(account_id) 167 set_reset_password_email_last_sent 168 @reset_password_key_value = reset_password_key_value 169 elsif e = raised_uniqueness_violation{password_reset_ds.insert(reset_password_key_insert_hash)} 170 # If inserting into the reset password table causes a violation, we can pull the 171 # existing reset password key from the table, or reraise. 172 raise e unless @reset_password_key_value = get_password_reset_key(account_id) 173 end 174 end 175 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 281 def create_verify_account_key 282 ds = verify_account_ds 283 transaction do 284 if ds.empty? 285 if e = raised_uniqueness_violation{ds.insert(verify_account_key_insert_hash)} 286 # If inserting into the verify account table causes a violation, we can pull the 287 # key from the verify account table, or reraise. 288 raise e unless @verify_account_key_value = get_verify_account_key(account_id) 289 end 290 end 291 end 292 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 198 def create_verify_login_change_email(login) 199 create_email_to(login, verify_login_change_email_subject, verify_login_change_email_body) 200 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 176 def create_verify_login_change_key(login) 177 ds = verify_login_change_ds 178 transaction do 179 ds.where((Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP > verify_login_change_deadline_column) | ~Sequel.expr(verify_login_change_login_column=>login)).delete 180 if e = raised_uniqueness_violation{ds.insert(verify_login_change_key_insert_hash(login))} 181 old_login, key = get_verify_login_change_login_and_key(account_id) 182 # If inserting into the verify login change table causes a violation, we can pull the 183 # key from the verify login change table if the logins match, or reraise. 184 @verify_login_change_key_value = if old_login.downcase == login.downcase 185 key 186 end 187 raise e unless @verify_login_change_key_value 188 end 189 end 190 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 397 def csrf_tag(path=request.path) 398 return unless scope.respond_to?(:csrf_tag) 399 400 if use_request_specific_csrf_tokens? 401 scope.csrf_tag(path) 402 else 403 # :nocov: 404 scope.csrf_tag 405 # :nocov: 406 end 407 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 40 def currently_active_session? 41 return false unless session_id = session[session_id_session_key] 42 43 remove_inactive_sessions 44 ds = active_sessions_ds. 45 where(active_sessions_session_id_column => compute_hmacs(session_id)) 46 47 if update_current_session? 48 ds.update(active_sessions_update_hash) == 1 49 else 50 ds.count == 1 51 end 52 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 119 def database_function_password_match?(name, hash_id, password, salt) 120 return true if super 121 122 if use_argon2? && argon2_hash_algorithm?(salt) && argon2_old_secret != argon2_secret && (ret = db.get(Sequel.function(function_name(name), hash_id, argon2_password_hash_using_salt_and_secret(password, salt, argon2_old_secret)))) 123 @update_password_hash = true 124 end 125 126 !!ret 127 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 287 def db 288 Sequel::DATABASES.first or raise "Sequel database connection is missing" 289 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/close_account.rb 76 def delete_account 77 account_ds.delete 78 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/close_account.rb 80 def delete_account_on_close? 81 skip_status_checks? 82 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 155 def disable_remember_login 156 remove_remember_key 157 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 232 def email_auth_ds(id=account_id) 233 db[email_auth_table].where(email_auth_id_column=>id) 234 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 135 def email_auth_email_link 136 token_link(email_auth_route, email_auth_key_param, email_auth_key_value) 137 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 174 def email_auth_email_recently_sent? 175 (email_last_sent = get_email_auth_email_last_sent) && (Time.now - email_last_sent < email_auth_skip_resend_email_within) 176 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 226 def email_auth_key_insert_hash 227 hash = {email_auth_id_column=>account_id, email_auth_key_column=>email_auth_key_value} 228 set_deadline_value(hash, email_auth_deadline_column, email_auth_deadline_interval) 229 hash 230 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 145 def email_auth_request_form 146 render('email-auth-request-form') 147 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 26 def email_from 27 "webmaster@#{domain}" 28 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 30 def email_to 31 account[login_column] 32 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/session_expiration.rb 38 def expire_session 39 clear_session 40 set_redirect_error_status session_expiration_error_status 41 set_error_reason :session_expired 42 set_redirect_error_flash session_expiration_error_flash 43 redirect session_expiration_redirect 44 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 206 def extend_remember_deadline 207 active_remember_key_ds.update(remember_deadline_column=>Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, remember_period)) 208 remember_login 209 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 194 def extend_remember_deadline_while_logged_in? 195 return false unless extend_remember_deadline? 196 197 if extended_at = session[remember_deadline_extended_session_key] 198 extended_at + extend_remember_deadline_period < Time.now.to_i 199 elsif logged_in_via_remember_key? 200 # Handle existing sessions before the change to extend remember deadline 201 # while logged in. 202 true 203 end 204 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 68 def extract_password_hash_cost(hash) 69 return super unless argon2_hash_algorithm?(hash) 70 71 /\A\$argon2id\$v=\d+\$m=(\d+),t=(\d+),p=(\d+)/ =~ hash 72 { t_cost: $2.to_i, m_cost: Math.log2($1.to_i).to_i, p_cost: $3.to_i } 73 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 147 def features 148 self.class.features 149 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 222 def field_attributes(field) 223 _field_attributes(field) || default_field_attributes 224 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 179 def field_error(field) 180 return nil unless @field_errors 181 @field_errors[field] 182 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 226 def field_error_attributes(field) 227 if field_error(field) 228 _field_error_attributes(field) 229 end 230 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 138 def forget_login 139 opts = Hash[remember_cookie_options] 140 opts[:path] = "/" unless opts.key?(:path) 141 ::Rack::Utils.delete_cookie_header!(response.headers, remember_cookie_key, opts) 142 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 232 def formatted_field_error(field) 233 if error = field_error(field) 234 _formatted_field_error(field, error) 235 end 236 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 701 def function_name(name) 702 if db.database_type == :mssql 703 # :nocov: 704 "dbo.#{name}" 705 # :nocov: 706 else 707 name 708 end 709 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 158 def generate_active_sessions_key 159 @active_sessions_key = random_key 160 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 218 def generate_email_auth_key_value 219 @email_auth_key_value = random_key 220 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 185 def generate_refresh_token 186 hash = jwt_refresh_token_insert_hash 187 [account_id, jwt_refresh_token_ds.insert(hash), convert_token_key(hash[jwt_refresh_token_key_column])].join(token_separator) 188 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 247 def generate_remember_key_value 248 @remember_key_value = random_key 249 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 231 def generate_reset_password_key_value 232 @reset_password_key_value = random_key 233 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 266 def generate_unlock_account_key 267 random_key 268 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 277 def generate_verify_account_key_value 278 @verify_account_key_value = random_key 279 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 172 def generate_verify_login_change_key_value 173 @verify_login_change_key_value = random_key 174 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 158 def get_active_refresh_token(account_id, token_id) 159 jwt_refresh_token_account_ds(account_id). 160 where(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP > jwt_refresh_token_deadline_column). 161 delete 162 163 jwt_refresh_token_account_token_ds(account_id, token_id). 164 get(jwt_refresh_token_key_column) 165 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 109 def get_activity_timestamp(account_id, column) 110 convert_timestamp(account_activity_ds(account_id).get(column)) 111 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 119 def get_email_auth_email_last_sent 120 if column = email_auth_email_last_sent_column 121 if ts = email_auth_ds.get(column) 122 convert_timestamp(ts) 123 end 124 end 125 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 139 def get_email_auth_key(id) 140 ds = email_auth_ds(id) 141 ds.where(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP > email_auth_deadline_column).delete 142 ds.get(email_auth_key_column) 143 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 26 def get_password_changed_at 27 convert_timestamp(password_expiration_ds.get(password_expiration_changed_at_column)) 28 end
Get the password hash for the user. When using database authentication functions, note that only the salt is returned.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 723 def get_password_hash 724 if account_password_hash_column 725 account[account_password_hash_column] if account! 726 elsif use_database_authentication_functions? 727 db.get(Sequel.function(function_name(:rodauth_get_salt), account ? account_id : session_value)) 728 else 729 # :nocov: 730 password_hash_ds.get(password_hash_column) 731 # :nocov: 732 end 733 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 189 def get_password_reset_key(id) 190 ds = password_reset_ds(id) 191 ds.where(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP > reset_password_deadline_column).delete 192 ds.get(reset_password_key_column) 193 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 144 def get_remember_key 145 unless @remember_key_value = active_remember_key_ds.get(remember_key_column) 146 generate_remember_key_value 147 transaction do 148 remove_remember_key 149 add_remember_key 150 end 151 end 152 nil 153 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 199 def get_reset_password_email_last_sent 200 if column = reset_password_email_last_sent_column 201 if ts = password_reset_ds.get(column) 202 convert_timestamp(ts) 203 end 204 end 205 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 228 def get_unlock_account_email_last_sent 229 if column = account_lockouts_email_last_sent_column 230 if ts = account_lockouts_ds.get(column) 231 convert_timestamp(ts) 232 end 233 end 234 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 216 def get_unlock_account_key 217 account_lockouts_ds.get(account_lockouts_key_column) 218 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 229 def get_verify_account_email_last_sent 230 if column = verify_account_email_last_sent_column 231 if ts = verify_account_ds.get(column) 232 convert_timestamp(ts) 233 end 234 end 235 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 208 def get_verify_account_key(id) 209 verify_account_ds(id).get(verify_account_key_column) 210 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 132 def get_verify_login_change_login_and_key(id) 133 verify_login_change_ds(id).get([verify_login_change_login_column, verify_login_change_key_column]) 134 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 77 def handle_duplicate_active_session_id(_e) 78 # Do nothing by default as session is already tracked. This will result in 79 # the current session and the existing session with the same id 80 # being tracked together, so that a logout of one will logout 81 # the other, and updating the last use on one will update the other, 82 # but this should be acceptable. However, this can be overridden if different 83 # behavior is desired. 84 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 352 def handle_webauthn_sign_count_verification_error 353 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_sign_count, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_sign_count_message) 354 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 711 def has_password? 712 return @has_password if defined?(@has_password) 713 return false unless account || session_value 714 @has_password = !!get_password_hash 715 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 754 def hmac_secret_rotation? 755 hmac_secret && hmac_old_secret && hmac_secret != hmac_old_secret 756 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 31 def hook_action(hook_type, action) 32 super 33 # In after_logout, session is already cleared, so use before_logout in that case 34 if (hook_type == :after || action == :logout) && (id = account ? account_id : session_value) 35 add_audit_log(id, action) 36 end 37 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/http_basic_auth.rb 34 def http_basic_auth 35 return @checked_http_basic_auth if defined?(@checked_http_basic_auth) 36 37 @checked_http_basic_auth = nil 38 return unless token = ((v = request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) && v[/\A *Basic (.*)\Z/, 1]) 39 40 username, password = token.unpack("m*").first.split(/:/, 2) 41 return unless username && password 42 43 catch_error do 44 unless account_from_login(username) 45 throw_basic_auth_error(login_param, no_matching_login_message) 46 end 47 48 before_login_attempt 49 50 unless open_account? 51 throw_basic_auth_error(login_param, no_matching_login_message) 52 end 53 54 unless password_match?(password) 55 after_login_failure 56 throw_basic_auth_error(password_param, invalid_password_message) 57 end 58 59 transaction do 60 before_login 61 login_session('password') 62 after_login 63 end 64 65 @checked_http_basic_auth = true 66 return true 67 end 68 69 nil 70 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 188 def inactive_session_cond 189 cond = session_inactivity_deadline_condition 190 cond2 = session_lifetime_deadline_condition 191 return false unless cond || cond2 192 Sequel.|(*[cond, cond2].compact) 193 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 211 def include_success_messages? 212 !json_response_success_key.nil? 213 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 190 def input_field_string(param, id, opts={}) 191 type = opts.fetch(:type, "text") 192 193 unless type == "password" 194 value = opts.fetch(:value){scope.h param(param)} 195 end 196 197 field_class = opts.fetch(:class, "form-control") 198 199 if autocomplete_for_field?(param) && opts[:autocomplete] 200 autocomplete = "autocomplete=\"#{opts[:autocomplete]}\"" 201 end 202 203 if inputmode_for_field?(param) && opts[:inputmode] 204 inputmode = "inputmode=\"#{opts[:inputmode]}\"" 205 end 206 207 if mark_input_fields_as_required? && opts[:required] != false 208 required = "required=\"required\"" 209 end 210 211 "<input #{opts[:attr]} #{autocomplete} #{inputmode} #{required} #{field_attributes(param)} #{field_error_attributes(param)} type=\"#{type}\" class=\"#{field_class}#{add_field_error_class(param)}\" name=\"#{param}\" id=\"#{id}\" value=\"#{value}\"/> #{formatted_field_error(param) unless opts[:skip_error_message]}" 212 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 218 def inputmode_for_field?(_param) 219 mark_input_fields_with_inputmode? 220 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 868 def internal_request? 869 false 870 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/internal_request.rb 373 def internal_request_configuration(&block) 374 @auth.instance_exec do 375 (@internal_request_configuration_blocks ||= []) << block 376 end 377 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 175 def invalid_login_attempted 176 ds = account_login_failures_ds. 177 where(account_login_failures_id_column=>account_id) 178 179 number = if db.database_type == :postgres 180 ds.returning(account_login_failures_number_column). 181 with_sql(:update_sql, account_login_failures_number_column=>Sequel.expr(account_login_failures_number_column)+1). 182 single_value 183 else 184 # :nocov: 185 if ds.update(account_login_failures_number_column=>Sequel.expr(account_login_failures_number_column)+1) > 0 186 ds.get(account_login_failures_number_column) 187 end 188 # :nocov: 189 end 190 191 unless number 192 # Ignoring the violation is safe here. It may allow slightly more than max_invalid_logins invalid logins before 193 # lockout, but allowing a few extra is OK if the race is lost. 194 ignore_uniqueness_violation{account_login_failures_ds.insert(account_login_failures_id_column=>account_id)} 195 number = 1 196 end 197 198 if number >= max_invalid_logins 199 @unlock_account_key_value = generate_unlock_account_key 200 hash = _setup_account_lockouts_hash(account_id, unlock_account_key_value) 201 202 if e = raised_uniqueness_violation{account_lockouts_ds.insert(hash)} 203 # If inserting into the lockout table raises a violation, we should just be able to pull the already inserted 204 # key out of it. If that doesn't return a valid key, we should reraise the error. 205 raise e unless @unlock_account_key_value = account_lockouts_ds.get(account_lockouts_key_column) 206 207 after_account_lockout 208 show_lockout_page 209 else 210 after_account_lockout 211 e 212 end 213 end 214 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_password.rb 72 def invalid_previous_password_message 73 invalid_password_message 74 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 55 def json_request? 56 return @json_request if defined?(@json_request) 57 @json_request = request.content_type =~ json_request_content_type_regexp 58 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 219 def json_response 220 @json_response ||= {} 221 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 69 def json_response_error? 70 !!json_response[json_response_error_key] 71 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_cors.rb 15 def jwt_cors_allow? 16 return false unless origin = request.env['HTTP_ORIGIN'] 17 18 case allowed = jwt_cors_allow_origin 19 when String 20 timing_safe_eql?(origin, allowed) 21 when Array 22 allowed.any?{|s| timing_safe_eql?(origin, s)} 23 when Regexp 24 allowed =~ origin 25 when true 26 true 27 else 28 false 29 end 30 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 130 def jwt_payload 131 return @jwt_payload if defined?(@jwt_payload) 132 @jwt_payload = JWT.decode(jwt_token, _jwt_decode_secrets, true, _jwt_decode_opts.merge(:algorithm=>jwt_algorithm))[0] 133 rescue JWT::DecodeError => e 134 rescue_jwt_payload(e) 135 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 167 def jwt_refresh_token_account_ds(account_id) 168 jwt_refresh_token_ds.where(jwt_refresh_token_account_id_column => account_id) 169 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 171 def jwt_refresh_token_account_token_ds(account_id, token_id) 172 jwt_refresh_token_account_ds(account_id). 173 where(jwt_refresh_token_id_column=>token_id) 174 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 176 def jwt_refresh_token_ds 177 db[jwt_refresh_token_table] 178 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 190 def jwt_refresh_token_insert_hash 191 hash = {jwt_refresh_token_account_id_column => account_id, jwt_refresh_token_key_column => random_key} 192 set_deadline_value(hash, jwt_refresh_token_deadline_column, jwt_refresh_token_deadline_interval) 193 hash 194 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 147 def jwt_refresh_token_match?(key) 148 # We don't need to match tokens if we are requiring a valid current access token 149 return true unless allow_refresh_with_expired_jwt_access_token? 150 151 # If allowing with expired jwt access token, check the expired session contains 152 # hmac matching submitted and active refresh token. 153 s = session[jwt_refresh_token_hmac_session_key].to_s 154 h = session[jwt_refresh_token_data_session_key].to_s + key 155 timing_safe_eql?(compute_hmac(h), s) || (hmac_secret_rotation? && timing_safe_eql?(compute_old_hmac(h), s)) 156 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 69 def jwt_secret 70 raise ArgumentError, "jwt_secret not set" 71 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 73 def jwt_session_hash 74 jwt_session_key ? {jwt_session_key=>session} : session 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 81 def jwt_token 82 return @jwt_token if defined?(@jwt_token) 83 84 if (v = request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) && v !~ jwt_authorization_ignore 85 @jwt_token = v.sub(jwt_authorization_remove, '') 86 end 87 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 27 def last_account_activity_at 28 get_activity_timestamp(session_value, account_activity_last_activity_column) 29 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 31 def last_account_login_at 32 get_activity_timestamp(session_value, account_activity_last_login_column) 33 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 114 def load_memory 115 if logged_in? 116 if extend_remember_deadline_while_logged_in? 117 if account_from_session 118 extend_remember_deadline 119 else 120 forget_login 121 clear_session 122 end 123 end 124 elsif account_from_remember_cookie 125 before_load_memory 126 login_session('remember') 127 extend_remember_deadline if extend_remember_deadline? 128 after_load_memory 129 end 130 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 808 def loaded_templates 809 [] 810 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 146 def locked_out? 147 if t = convert_timestamp(account_lockouts_ds.get(account_lockouts_deadline_column)) 148 if Time.now < t 149 true 150 else 151 unlock_account 152 false 153 end 154 else 155 false 156 end 157 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 174 def logged_in_via_remember_key? 175 authenticated_by.include?('remember') 176 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 86 def login(auth_type) 87 @saved_login_redirect = remove_session_value(login_redirect_session_key) 88 transaction do 89 before_login 90 login_session(auth_type) 91 yield if block_given? 92 after_login 93 end 94 require_response(:_login_response) 95 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 46 def login_confirm_label 47 "Confirm #{login_label}" 48 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 108 def login_does_not_meet_requirements_message 109 "invalid login#{", #{login_requirement_message}" if login_requirement_message}" 110 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 235 def login_failed_reset_password_request_form 236 render("reset-password-request") 237 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 291 def login_field_autocomplete_value 292 login_uses_email? ? "email" : "on" 293 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 315 def login_input_type 316 login_uses_email? ? 'email' : 'text' 317 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 144 def login_meets_email_requirements?(login) 145 return true unless require_email_address_logins? 146 return true if login_valid_email?(login) 147 set_login_requirement_error_message(:login_not_valid_email, login_not_valid_email_message) 148 return false 149 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 129 def login_meets_length_requirements?(login) 130 if login_minimum_length > login.length 131 set_login_requirement_error_message(:login_too_short, login_too_short_message) 132 false 133 elsif login_maximum_length < login.length 134 set_login_requirement_error_message(:login_too_long, login_too_long_message) 135 false 136 elsif login_maximum_bytes < login.bytesize 137 set_login_requirement_error_message(:login_too_many_bytes, login_too_many_bytes_message) 138 false 139 else 140 true 141 end 142 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 54 def login_meets_requirements?(login) 55 login_meets_length_requirements?(login) && \ 56 login_meets_email_requirements?(login) 57 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 331 def login_required 332 set_redirect_error_status(login_required_error_status) 333 set_error_reason :login_required 334 set_redirect_error_flash require_login_error_flash 335 redirect require_login_redirect 336 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 104 def login_return_to_requested_location_path 105 request.fullpath if request.get? 106 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 471 def login_session(auth_type) 472 update_session 473 set_session_value(authenticated_by_session_key, [auth_type]) 474 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 112 def login_too_long_message 113 "maximum #{login_maximum_length} characters" 114 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 116 def login_too_many_bytes_message 117 "maximum #{login_maximum_bytes} bytes" 118 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 120 def login_too_short_message 121 "minimum #{login_minimum_length} characters" 122 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 319 def login_uses_email? 320 login_column == :email 321 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 151 def login_valid_email?(login) 152 login =~ login_email_regexp 153 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 118 def logout_additional_form_tags 119 super.to_s + render('global-logout-field') 120 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 527 def modifications_require_password? 528 has_password? 529 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/create_account.rb 96 def new_account(login) 97 @account = _new_account(login) 98 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 240 def new_recovery_code 241 random_key 242 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 302 def new_webauthn_credential 303 WebAuthn::Credential.options_for_create( 304 :timeout => webauthn_setup_timeout, 305 :user => {:id=>account_webauthn_user_id, :name=>webauthn_user_name}, 306 :authenticator_selection => webauthn_authenticator_selection, 307 :attestation => webauthn_attestation, 308 :extensions => webauthn_extensions, 309 :exclude => account_webauthn_ids, 310 **webauthn_create_relying_party_opts 311 ) 312 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 60 def no_longer_active_session 61 clear_session 62 set_redirect_error_status inactive_session_error_status 63 set_error_reason :inactive_session 64 set_redirect_error_flash active_sessions_error_flash 65 redirect active_sessions_redirect 66 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 619 def normalize_session_or_flash_key(key) 620 scope.opts[:sessions_convert_symbols] ? key.to_s : key 621 end
Return nil by default for values with null bytes
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 509 def null_byte_parameter_value(key, value) 510 nil 511 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 430 def only_json? 431 scope.class.opts[:rodauth_json] == :only 432 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 283 def open_account? 284 skip_status_checks? || account[account_status_column] == account_open_status_value 285 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 283 def otp_add_key 284 _otp_add_key(otp_key) 285 super if defined?(super) 286 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 243 def otp_available? 244 otp_exists? && !otp_locked_out? 245 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 247 def otp_exists? 248 !otp_key.nil? 249 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 383 def otp_hmac_old_secret(key) 384 base32_encode(compute_raw_hmac_with_secret(ROTP::Base32.decode(key), hmac_old_secret), key.bytesize) 385 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 379 def otp_hmac_secret(key) 380 base32_encode(compute_raw_hmac(ROTP::Base32.decode(key)), key.bytesize) 381 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 450 def otp_key_ds 451 db[otp_keys_table].where(otp_keys_id_column=>session_value) 452 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 335 def otp_keys_use_hmac? 336 !!hmac_secret 337 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 294 def otp_last_use 295 convert_timestamp(otp_key_ds.get(otp_keys_last_use_column)) 296 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 306 def otp_locked_out? 307 otp_key_ds.get(otp_keys_failures_column) >= otp_auth_failures_limit 308 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 207 def otp_lockout_redirect 208 otp_unlock_path 209 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 401 def otp_new_secret 402 ROTP::Base32.random_base32.downcase 403 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 318 def otp_provisioning_name 319 account[login_column] 320 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 310 def otp_provisioning_uri 311 otp.provisioning_uri(otp_provisioning_name) 312 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 322 def otp_qr_code 323 svg = RQRCode::QRCode.new(otp_provisioning_uri).as_svg(:module_size=>8, :viewbox=>true, :use_path=>true, :fill=>"fff") 324 svg.sub(/\A<\?xml version="1\.0" standalone="yes"\?>/, '') 325 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 298 def otp_record_authentication_failure 299 otp_key_ds.update(otp_keys_failures_column=>Sequel.identifier(otp_keys_failures_column) + 1) 300 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 278 def otp_remove 279 otp_key_ds.delete 280 @otp_key = nil 281 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 302 def otp_remove_auth_failures 303 otp_key_ds.update(otp_keys_failures_column=>0) 304 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 374 def otp_tmp_key(secret) 375 _otp_tmp_key(secret) 376 clear_cached_otp 377 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 143 def otp_unlock_auth_failure 144 h = { 145 otp_unlock_num_successes_column=>0, 146 otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after_column=>Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, :seconds=>otp_unlock_auth_failure_cooldown_seconds) 147 } 148 149 if otp_unlock_ds.update(h) == 0 150 h[otp_unlock_id_column] = session_value 151 152 # If row already exists when inserting, no need to do anything 153 raises_uniqueness_violation?{otp_unlock_ds.insert(h)} 154 end 155 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 157 def otp_unlock_auth_success 158 deadline = Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, :seconds=>otp_unlock_success_cooldown_seconds) 159 160 # Add WHERE to avoid possible race condition when multiple unlock auth requests 161 # are sent at the same time (only the first should increment num successes). 162 if otp_unlock_ds. 163 where(Sequel[otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after_column] < Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP). 164 update( 165 otp_unlock_num_successes_column=>Sequel[otp_unlock_num_successes_column]+1, 166 otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after_column=>deadline 167 ) == 0 168 169 # Ignore uniqueness errors when inserting after a failed update, 170 # which could be caused due to the race condition mentioned above. 171 raises_uniqueness_violation? do 172 otp_unlock_ds.insert( 173 otp_unlock_id_column=>session_value, 174 otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after_column=>deadline 175 ) 176 end 177 end 178 179 @otp_unlock_data = nil 180 # :nocov: 181 if otp_unlock_data 182 # :nocov: 183 if otp_unlock_num_successes >= otp_unlock_auths_required 184 # At least the requisite number of consecutive successful unlock 185 # authentications. Unlock OTP authentication. 186 otp_key_ds.update(otp_keys_failures_column => 0) 187 188 # Remove OTP unlock metadata when unlocking OTP authentication 189 otp_unlock_reset 190 # else 191 # # Still need additional consecutive successful unlock attempts. 192 end 193 # else 194 # # if row isn't available, probably the process was reset during this, 195 # # and it's safe to do nothing in that case. 196 end 197 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 113 def otp_unlock_available? 114 if otp_unlock_data 115 next_auth_attempt_after = otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after 116 current_timestamp = Time.now 117 118 if (next_auth_attempt_after < current_timestamp - otp_unlock_deadline_seconds) 119 # Unlock process not fully completed within deadline, reset process 120 otp_unlock_reset 121 true 122 else 123 if next_auth_attempt_after > current_timestamp 124 # If next auth attempt after timestamp is in the future, that means the next 125 # unlock attempt cannot happen until then. 126 false 127 else 128 if otp_unlock_num_successes == 0 129 # 0 value indicates previous attempt was a failure. Since failure cooldown 130 # period has passed, reset process so user gets full deadline period 131 otp_unlock_reset 132 end 133 true 134 end 135 end 136 else 137 # No row means no unlock attempts yet (or previous attempt was more than the 138 # deadline account, so unlocking is available 139 true 140 end 141 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 233 def otp_unlock_data 234 @otp_unlock_data ||= otp_unlock_ds.first 235 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 219 def otp_unlock_deadline 220 otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after + otp_unlock_deadline_seconds 221 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 199 def otp_unlock_deadline_passed? 200 otp_unlock_data ? (otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after < Time.now - otp_unlock_deadline_seconds) : false 201 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 246 def otp_unlock_ds 247 db[otp_unlock_table].where(otp_unlock_id_column=>session_value) 248 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 211 def otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after 212 if otp_unlock_data 213 convert_timestamp(otp_unlock_data[otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after_column]) 214 else 215 Time.now 216 end 217 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 223 def otp_unlock_num_successes 224 otp_unlock_data ? otp_unlock_data[otp_unlock_num_successes_column] : 0 225 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 203 def otp_unlock_refresh_tag 204 "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"#{(otp_unlock_next_auth_attempt_after - Time.now).to_i + 1}\">" 205 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 241 def otp_unlock_reset 242 otp_unlock_ds.delete 243 @otp_unlock_data = nil 244 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp_unlock.rb 237 def otp_unlock_success_cooldown_seconds 238 (_otp_interval+(otp_drift||0))*2 239 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 288 def otp_update_last_use 289 otp_key_ds. 290 where(Sequel.date_add(otp_keys_last_use_column, :seconds=>_otp_interval) < Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP). 291 update(otp_keys_last_use_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) == 1 292 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 327 def otp_user_key 328 @otp_user_key ||= if otp_keys_use_hmac? 329 otp_hmac_secret(otp_key) 330 else 331 otp_key 332 end 333 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 251 def otp_valid_code?(ot_pass) 252 if _otp_valid_code?(ot_pass, otp) 253 true 254 elsif hmac_secret_rotation? && _otp_valid_code?(ot_pass, _otp_for_key(otp_hmac_old_secret(otp_key))) 255 _otp_valid_code_for_old_secret 256 true 257 else 258 false 259 end 260 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 387 def otp_valid_key?(secret) 388 return false unless secret =~ /\A([a-z2-7]{16}|[a-z2-7]{32})\z/ 389 if otp_keys_use_hmac? 390 # Purposely do not allow creating new OTPs with old secrets, 391 # since OTP rotation is difficult. The user will get shown 392 # the same page with an updated secret, which they can submit 393 # to setup OTP. 394 timing_safe_eql?(otp_hmac_secret(param(otp_setup_raw_param)), secret) 395 else 396 true 397 end 398 end
Return nil by default for values over maximum bytesize.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 504 def over_max_bytesize_param_value(key, value) 505 nil 506 end
Return a string for the parameter name. This will be an empty string if the parameter doesn’t exist.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 487 def param(key) 488 param_or_nil(key).to_s 489 end
Return a string for the parameter name, or nil if there is no parameter with that name.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 493 def param_or_nil(key) 494 value = raw_param(key) 495 unless value.nil? 496 value = value.to_s 497 value = over_max_bytesize_param_value(key, value) if max_param_bytesize && value.bytesize > max_param_bytesize 498 value = null_byte_parameter_value(key, value) if value && value.include?("\0") 499 end 500 value 501 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 50 def password_confirm_label 51 "Confirm #{password_label}" 52 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 170 def password_does_not_contain_null_byte?(password) 171 return true unless password.include?("\0") 172 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_contains_null_byte, contains_null_byte_message) 173 false 174 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 87 def password_does_not_meet_requirements_message 88 "invalid password, does not meet requirements#{" (#{password_requirement_message})" if password_requirement_message}" 89 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 50 def password_doesnt_match_previous_password?(password) 51 match = if use_database_authentication_functions? 52 salts = previous_password_ds. 53 select_map([previous_password_id_column, Sequel.function(function_name(:rodauth_get_previous_salt), previous_password_id_column).as(:salt)]) 54 return true if salts.empty? 55 56 salts.any? do |hash_id, salt| 57 database_function_password_match?(:rodauth_previous_password_hash_match, hash_id, password, salt) 58 end 59 else 60 # :nocov: 61 previous_password_ds.select_map(previous_password_hash_column).any? do |hash| 62 password_hash_match?(hash, password) 63 end 64 # :nocov: 65 end 66 67 return true unless match 68 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_same_as_previous_password, password_same_as_previous_password_message) 69 false 70 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 107 def password_expiration_ds 108 db[password_expiration_table].where(password_expiration_id_column=>account_id) 109 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 68 def password_expired? 69 if password_changed_at = session[password_changed_at_session_key] 70 return password_changed_at + require_password_change_after < Time.now.to_i 71 end 72 73 account_from_session 74 if password_changed_at = get_password_changed_at 75 set_session_value(password_changed_at_session_key, password_changed_at.to_i) 76 password_changed_at + require_password_change_after < Time.now 77 else 78 set_session_value(password_changed_at_session_key, password_expiration_default ? 0 : 2147483647) 79 password_expiration_default 80 end 81 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 295 def password_field_autocomplete_value 296 @password_field_autocomplete_value || 'current-password' 297 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_complexity.rb 54 def password_has_enough_character_groups?(password) 55 return true if password.length > password_max_length_for_groups_check 56 return true if password_character_groups.select{|re| password =~ re}.length >= password_min_groups 57 set_password_requirement_error_message(:not_enough_character_groups_in_password, password_not_enough_character_groups_message) 58 false 59 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_complexity.rb 61 def password_has_no_invalid_pattern?(password) 62 return true unless password_invalid_pattern 63 return true if password !~ password_invalid_pattern 64 set_password_requirement_error_message(:invalid_password_pattern, password_invalid_pattern_message) 65 false 66 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 19 def password_hash(password) 20 return super unless use_argon2? 21 22 if secret = argon2_secret 23 argon2_params = Hash[password_hash_cost] 24 argon2_params[:secret] = secret 25 else 26 argon2_params = password_hash_cost 27 end 28 ::Argon2::Password.new(argon2_params).create(password) 29 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 45 def password_hash_cost 46 return super unless use_argon2? 47 argon2_hash_cost 48 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 798 def password_hash_ds 799 db[password_hash_table].where(password_hash_id_column=>account ? account_id : session_value) 800 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 50 def password_hash_match?(hash, password) 51 return super unless argon2_hash_algorithm?(hash) 52 argon2_password_hash_match?(hash, password) 53 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/argon2.rb 55 def password_hash_using_salt(password, salt) 56 return super unless argon2_hash_algorithm?(salt) 57 argon2_password_hash_using_salt_and_secret(password, salt, argon2_secret) 58 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 452 def password_match?(password) 453 if hash = get_password_hash 454 if account_password_hash_column || !use_database_authentication_functions? 455 password_hash_match?(hash, password) 456 else 457 database_function_password_match?(:rodauth_valid_password_hash, account_id, password, hash) 458 end 459 end 460 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 155 def password_meets_length_requirements?(password) 156 if password_minimum_length > password.length 157 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_too_short, password_too_short_message) 158 false 159 elsif password_maximum_length && password_maximum_length < password.length 160 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_too_long, password_too_long_message) 161 false 162 elsif password_maximum_bytes && password_maximum_bytes < password.bytesize 163 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_too_many_bytes, password_too_many_bytes_message) 164 false 165 else 166 true 167 end 168 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_common_passwords.rb 13 def password_meets_requirements?(password) 14 super && password_not_one_of_the_most_common?(password) 15 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_complexity.rb 75 def password_not_in_dictionary?(password) 76 return true unless dict = password_dictionary 77 return true unless password =~ /\A(?:\d*)([A-Za-z!@$+|][A-Za-z!@$+|0134578]+[A-Za-z!@$+|])(?:\d*)\z/ 78 word = $1.downcase.tr('!@$+|0134578', 'iastloleastb') 79 return true if !dict.include?(word) 80 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_in_dictionary, password_in_dictionary_message) 81 false 82 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_common_passwords.rb 33 def password_not_one_of_the_most_common?(password) 34 return true unless password_one_of_most_common?(password) 35 set_password_requirement_error_message(:password_is_one_of_the_most_common, password_is_one_of_the_most_common_message) 36 false 37 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_complexity.rb 68 def password_not_too_many_repeating_characters?(password) 69 return true if password_max_repeating_characters < 2 70 return true if password !~ /(.)(\1){#{password_max_repeating_characters-1}}/ 71 set_password_requirement_error_message(:too_many_repeating_characters_in_password, password_too_many_repeating_characters_message) 72 false 73 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_common_passwords.rb 27 def password_one_of_most_common?(password) 28 most_common_passwords.include?(password) 29 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_grace_period.rb 22 def password_recently_entered? 23 return false unless last_password_entry = session[last_password_entry_session_key] 24 last_password_entry + password_grace_period > Time.now.to_i 25 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 249 def password_reset_ds(id=account_id) 250 db[reset_password_table].where(reset_password_id_column=>id) 251 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 91 def password_too_long_message 92 "maximum #{password_maximum_length} characters" 93 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 95 def password_too_many_bytes_message 96 "maximum #{password_maximum_bytes} bytes" 97 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 99 def password_too_short_message 100 "minimum #{password_minimum_length} characters" 101 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 531 def possible_authentication_methods 532 has_password? ? ['password'] : [] 533 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 434 def post_configure 435 require 'bcrypt' if require_bcrypt? 436 db.extension :date_arithmetic if use_date_arithmetic? 437 438 if method(:convert_token_id_to_integer?).owner == Rodauth::Base && (db rescue false) && db.table_exists?(accounts_table) && db.schema(accounts_table).find{|col, v| break v[:type] == :integer if col == account_id_column} 439 self.class.send(:define_method, :convert_token_id_to_integer?){true} 440 end 441 442 route_hash= {} 443 self.class.routes.each do |meth| 444 route_meth = "#{meth.to_s.sub(/\Ahandle_/, '')}_route" 445 if route = send(route_meth) 446 route_hash["/#{route}"] = meth 447 end 448 end 449 self.class.route_hash = route_hash.freeze 450 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 94 def previous_password_ds 95 db[previous_password_hash_table].where(previous_password_account_id_column=>account_id) 96 end
In cases where retrying on uniqueness violations cannot work, this will detect whether a uniqueness violation is raised by the block and return the exception if so. This method should be used if you don’t care about the exception itself.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 827 def raises_uniqueness_violation?(&block) 828 transaction(:savepoint=>:only, &block) 829 false 830 rescue unique_constraint_violation_class => e 831 e 832 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 610 def random_key 611 SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) 612 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 513 def raw_param(key) 514 request.params[key] 515 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 160 def recovery_code_match?(code) 161 recovery_codes.each do |s| 162 if timing_safe_eql?(code, s) 163 recovery_codes_ds.where(recovery_codes_column=>code).delete 164 if recovery_codes_primary? 165 add_recovery_code 166 end 167 return true 168 end 169 end 170 false 171 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 196 def recovery_codes_available? 197 !recovery_codes_ds.empty? 198 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 264 def recovery_codes_ds 265 db[recovery_codes_table].where(recovery_codes_id_column=>session_value) 266 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 244 def recovery_codes_primary? 245 (features & [:otp, :sms_codes, :webauthn]).empty? 246 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 156 def recovery_codes_remove 157 recovery_codes_ds.delete 158 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 587 def redirect(path) 588 request.redirect(path) 589 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 255 def remember_key_ds(id=account_id) 256 db[remember_table].where(remember_id_column=>id) 257 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 132 def remember_login 133 get_remember_key 134 set_remember_cookie 135 set_session_value(remember_deadline_extended_session_key, Time.now.to_i) if extend_remember_deadline? 136 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 91 def remembered_session_id 92 return unless cookie = _get_remember_cookie 93 id, key = cookie.split('_', 2) 94 return unless id && key 95 96 actual, deadline = active_remember_key_ds(id).get([remember_key_column, remember_deadline_column]) 97 return unless actual 98 99 if hmac_secret && !(valid = timing_safe_eql?(key, compute_hmac(actual))) 100 if hmac_secret_rotation? && (valid = timing_safe_eql?(key, compute_old_hmac(actual))) 101 _set_remember_cookie(id, actual, deadline) 102 elsif !(raw_remember_token_deadline && raw_remember_token_deadline > convert_timestamp(deadline)) 103 return 104 end 105 end 106 107 unless valid || timing_safe_eql?(key, actual) 108 return 109 end 110 111 id 112 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 92 def remove_active_session(session_id) 93 active_sessions_ds.where(active_sessions_session_id_column=>session_id).delete 94 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 96 def remove_all_active_sessions 97 active_sessions_ds.delete 98 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 104 def remove_all_active_sessions_except_current 105 if session_id = session[session_id_session_key] 106 remove_all_active_sessions_except_for(session_id) 107 else 108 remove_all_active_sessions 109 end 110 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 100 def remove_all_active_sessions_except_for(session_id) 101 active_sessions_ds.exclude(active_sessions_session_id_column=>compute_hmacs(session_id)).delete 102 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 381 def remove_all_webauthn_keys_and_user_ids 382 webauthn_user_ids_ds.delete 383 webauthn_keys_ds.delete 384 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 86 def remove_current_session 87 if session_id = session[session_id_session_key] 88 remove_active_session(compute_hmacs(session_id)) 89 end 90 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 127 def remove_email_auth_key 128 email_auth_ds.delete 129 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 112 def remove_inactive_sessions 113 if cond = inactive_session_cond 114 active_sessions_ds.where(cond).delete 115 end 116 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 180 def remove_jwt_refresh_token_key(token) 181 account_id, token_id, _ = _account_refresh_token_split(token) 182 jwt_refresh_token_account_token_ds(account_id, token_id).delete 183 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 270 def remove_lockout_metadata 271 account_login_failures_ds.delete 272 account_lockouts_ds.delete 273 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 170 def remove_remember_key(id=account_id) 171 remember_key_ds(id).delete 172 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 177 def remove_reset_password_key 178 password_reset_ds.delete 179 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 881 def remove_session_value(key) 882 session.delete(key) 883 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 167 def remove_verify_account_key 168 verify_account_ds.delete 169 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 108 def remove_verify_login_change_key 109 verify_login_change_ds.delete 110 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 377 def remove_webauthn_key(webauthn_id) 378 webauthn_keys_ds.where(webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column=>webauthn_id).delete == 1 379 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 426 def render(page) 427 _view(:render, page) 428 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 137 def render_multi_phase_login_forms 138 multi_phase_login_forms.sort.map{|_, form, _| form}.join("\n") 139 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 151 def request 152 scope.request 153 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 372 def require_account 373 require_authentication 374 require_account_session 375 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 628 def require_account_session 629 unless account_from_session 630 clear_session 631 login_required 632 end 633 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 368 def require_authentication 369 require_login 370 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 61 def require_current_password 62 if authenticated? && password_expired? && password_change_needed_redirect != request.path_info 63 set_redirect_error_flash password_expiration_error_flash 64 redirect password_change_needed_redirect 65 end 66 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/http_basic_auth.rb 27 def require_http_basic_auth 28 unless http_basic_auth 29 set_http_basic_auth_error_response 30 return_response 31 end 32 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 360 def require_login 361 login_required unless logged_in? 362 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 159 def require_login_confirmation? 160 false 161 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 141 def require_login_redirect 142 login_path 143 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 234 def require_otp_setup 235 unless otp_exists? 236 set_redirect_error_status(two_factor_not_setup_error_status) 237 set_error_reason :two_factor_not_setup 238 set_redirect_error_flash two_factor_not_setup_error_flash 239 redirect two_factor_need_setup_redirect 240 end 241 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/confirm_password.rb 51 def require_password_authentication 52 require_login 53 54 if require_password_authentication? && has_password? 55 set_redirect_error_status(password_authentication_required_error_status) 56 set_error_reason :password_authentication_required 57 set_redirect_error_flash password_authentication_required_error_flash 58 set_session_value(confirm_password_redirect_session_key, request.fullpath) 59 redirect password_authentication_required_redirect 60 end 61 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/confirm_password.rb 87 def require_password_authentication? 88 return true if defined?(super) && super 89 !authenticated_by.include?('password') 90 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 872 def require_response(meth) 873 send(meth) 874 raise RuntimeError, "#{meth.to_s.sub(/\A_/, '')} overridden without returning a response (should use redirect or request.halt). This is a bug in your Rodauth configuration, not a bug in Rodauth itself." 875 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 337 def require_sms_available 338 require_sms_setup 339 340 if sms_locked_out? 341 set_redirect_error_status(lockout_error_status) 342 set_error_reason :sms_locked_out 343 set_redirect_error_flash sms_lockout_error_flash 344 redirect sms_lockout_redirect 345 end 346 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 328 def require_sms_not_setup 329 if sms_setup? 330 set_redirect_error_status(sms_already_setup_error_status) 331 set_error_reason :sms_already_setup 332 set_redirect_error_flash sms_already_setup_error_flash 333 redirect sms_already_setup_redirect 334 end 335 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 319 def require_sms_setup 320 unless sms_setup? 321 set_redirect_error_status(two_factor_not_setup_error_status) 322 set_error_reason :sms_not_setup 323 set_redirect_error_flash sms_not_setup_error_flash 324 redirect sms_needs_setup_redirect 325 end 326 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 167 def require_two_factor_authenticated 168 unless two_factor_authenticated? 169 if two_factor_auth_return_to_requested_location? 170 set_session_value(two_factor_auth_redirect_session_key, request.fullpath) 171 end 172 set_redirect_error_status(two_factor_need_authentication_error_status) 173 set_error_reason :two_factor_need_authentication 174 set_redirect_error_flash two_factor_need_authentication_error_flash 175 redirect two_factor_auth_required_redirect 176 end 177 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 158 def require_two_factor_not_authenticated(auth_type = nil) 159 if two_factor_authenticated? || (auth_type && two_factor_login_type_match?(auth_type)) 160 set_redirect_error_status(two_factor_already_authenticated_error_status) 161 set_error_reason :two_factor_already_authenticated 162 set_redirect_error_flash two_factor_already_authenticated_error_flash 163 redirect two_factor_already_authenticated_redirect 164 end 165 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 146 def require_two_factor_setup 147 # Avoid database query if already authenticated via 2nd factor 148 return if two_factor_authenticated? 149 150 return if uses_two_factor_authentication? 151 152 set_redirect_error_status(two_factor_not_setup_error_status) 153 set_error_reason :two_factor_not_setup 154 set_redirect_error_flash two_factor_not_setup_error_flash 155 redirect two_factor_need_setup_redirect 156 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 390 def require_webauthn_setup 391 unless webauthn_setup? 392 set_redirect_error_status(webauthn_not_setup_error_status) 393 set_error_reason :webauthn_not_setup 394 set_redirect_error_flash webauthn_not_setup_error_flash 395 redirect two_factor_need_setup_redirect 396 end 397 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 137 def rescue_jwt_payload(_) 138 @jwt_payload = false 139 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 185 def reset_password_email_link 186 token_link(reset_password_route, reset_password_key_param, reset_password_key_value) 187 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 213 def reset_password_email_recently_sent? 214 (email_last_sent = get_reset_password_email_last_sent) && (Time.now - email_last_sent < reset_password_skip_resend_email_within) 215 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 243 def reset_password_key_insert_hash 244 hash = {reset_password_id_column=>account_id, reset_password_key_column=>reset_password_key_value} 245 set_deadline_value(hash, reset_password_deadline_column, reset_password_deadline_interval) 246 hash 247 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/single_session.rb 22 def reset_single_session_key 23 if logged_in? 24 single_session_ds.update(single_session_key_column=>random_key) 25 end 26 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 155 def response 156 scope.response 157 end
This is used to avoid race conditions when using the pattern of inserting when an update affects no rows. In such cases, if a row is inserted between the update and the insert, the insert will fail with a uniqueness error, but retrying will work. It is possible for it to fail again, but only if the row is deleted before the update and readded before the insert, which is very unlikely to happen. In such cases, raising an exception is acceptable.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 818 def retry_on_uniqueness_violation(&block) 819 if raises_uniqueness_violation?(&block) 820 yield 821 end 822 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 201 def return_json_response 202 _return_json_response 203 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 591 def return_response(body=nil) 592 response.write(body) if body 593 request.halt 594 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 167 def route! 168 if meth = self.class.route_hash[request.remaining_path] 169 send(meth) 170 end 171 172 nil 173 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 596 def route_path(route, opts={}) 597 path = "#{prefix}/#{route}" 598 path += "?#{Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(opts)}" unless opts.empty? 599 path 600 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 602 def route_url(route, opts={}) 603 "#{base_url}#{route_path(route, opts)}" 604 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/create_account.rb 100 def save_account 101 id = nil 102 raised = raises_uniqueness_violation?{id = db[accounts_table].insert(account)} 103 104 if raised 105 set_login_requirement_error_message(:already_an_account_with_this_login, already_an_account_with_this_login_message) 106 end 107 108 if id 109 account[account_id_column] ||= id 110 end 111 112 id && !raised 113 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 36 def send_email(email) 37 email.deliver! 38 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 124 def send_verify_login_change_email(login) 125 send_email(create_verify_login_change_email(login)) 126 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/audit_logging.rb 55 def serialize_audit_log_metadata(metadata) 56 metadata.to_json unless metadata.nil? 57 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 159 def session 160 scope.session 161 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 176 def session_inactivity_deadline_condition 177 if deadline = session_inactivity_deadline 178 Sequel[active_sessions_last_use_column] < Sequel.date_sub(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, seconds: deadline) 179 end 180 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 77 def session_jwt 78 JWT.encode(jwt_session_hash, jwt_secret, jwt_algorithm) 79 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 182 def session_lifetime_deadline_condition 183 if deadline = session_lifetime_deadline 184 Sequel[active_sessions_created_at_column] < Sequel.date_sub(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, seconds: deadline) 185 end 186 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 274 def session_value 275 session[session_key] 276 end
This is needed on MySQL, which doesn’t support non constant defaults other than CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 854 def set_deadline_value(hash, column, interval) 855 if set_deadline_values? 856 # :nocov: 857 hash[column] = Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, interval) 858 # :nocov: 859 end 860 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 678 def set_deadline_values? 679 db.database_type == :mysql 680 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 115 def set_email_auth_email_last_sent 116 email_auth_ds.update(email_auth_email_last_sent_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) if email_auth_email_last_sent_column 117 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 344 def set_error_flash(message) 345 flash.now[flash_error_key] = message 346 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 666 def set_error_reason(reason) 667 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 49 def set_expired 50 update_activity(account_id, account_activity_expired_column) 51 after_account_expiration 52 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 175 def set_field_error(field, error) 176 (@field_errors ||= {})[field] = error 177 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/http_basic_auth.rb 74 def set_http_basic_auth_error_response 75 response.status = 401 76 response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"#{http_basic_auth_realm}\"" 77 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 158 def set_jwt 159 set_jwt_token(session_jwt) 160 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt_refresh.rb 196 def set_jwt_refresh_token_hmac_session_key(token) 197 if allow_refresh_with_expired_jwt_access_token? 198 key = _account_refresh_token_split(token).last 199 data = random_key 200 set_session_value(jwt_refresh_token_data_session_key, data) 201 set_session_value(jwt_refresh_token_hmac_session_key, compute_hmac(data + key)) 202 end 203 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 89 def set_jwt_token(token) 90 response.headers['Authorization'] = token 91 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_grace_period.rb 44 def set_last_password_entry 45 set_session_value(last_password_entry_session_key, Time.now.to_i) 46 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 124 def set_login_requirement_error_message(reason, message) 125 set_error_reason(reason) 126 @login_requirement_message = message 127 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/create_account.rb 92 def set_new_account_password(password) 93 account[account_password_hash_column] = password_hash(password) 94 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 352 def set_notice_flash(message) 353 flash[flash_notice_key] = message 354 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 356 def set_notice_now_flash(message) 357 flash.now[flash_notice_key] = message 358 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/disallow_password_reuse.rb 19 def set_password(password) 20 hash = super 21 add_previous_password_hash(hash) 22 hash 23 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login_password_requirements_base.rb 103 def set_password_requirement_error_message(reason, message) 104 set_error_reason(reason) 105 @password_requirement_message = message 106 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 348 def set_redirect_error_flash(message) 349 flash[flash_error_key] = message 350 end
Don’t set an error status when redirecting in an error case, as a redirect status is needed.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 640 def set_redirect_error_status(status) 641 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/remember.rb 190 def set_remember_cookie 191 _set_remember_cookie(account_id, remember_key_value, active_remember_key_ds.get(remember_deadline_column)) 192 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/reset_password.rb 195 def set_reset_password_email_last_sent 196 password_reset_ds.update(reset_password_email_last_sent_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) if reset_password_email_last_sent_column 197 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 647 def set_response_error_reason_status(reason, status) 648 set_error_reason(reason) 649 set_response_error_status(status) 650 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 643 def set_response_error_status(status) 644 response.status = status 645 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 877 def set_session_value(key, value) 878 session[key] = value 879 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/single_session.rb 94 def set_single_session_key(data) 95 data = compute_hmac(data) if hmac_secret 96 set_session_value(single_session_session_key, data) 97 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 338 def set_title(title) 339 if title_instance_variable 340 scope.instance_variable_set(title_instance_variable, title) 341 end 342 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 236 def set_unlock_account_email_last_sent 237 account_lockouts_ds.update(account_lockouts_email_last_sent_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) if account_lockouts_email_last_sent_column 238 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 225 def set_verify_account_email_last_sent 226 verify_account_ds.update(verify_account_email_last_sent_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) if verify_account_email_last_sent_column 227 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 237 def setup_account_verification 238 generate_verify_account_key_value 239 create_verify_account_key 240 send_verify_account_email 241 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 275 def show_lockout_page 276 set_response_error_reason_status(:account_locked_out, lockout_error_status) 277 set_error_flash login_lockout_error_flash 278 return_response unlock_account_request_view 279 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 454 def show_otp_auth_link? 455 otp_available? 456 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/single_session.rb 99 def single_session_ds 100 db[single_session_table]. 101 where(single_session_id_column=>session_value) 102 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 115 def skip_login_field_on_login? 116 return false unless use_multi_phase_login? 117 valid_login_entered? 118 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 120 def skip_password_field_on_login? 121 return false unless use_multi_phase_login? 122 !valid_login_entered? 123 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/close_account.rb 84 def skip_status_checks? 85 false 86 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 399 def sms_auth_message(code) 400 "SMS authentication code for #{domain} is #{code}" 401 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 452 def sms_available? 453 sms_setup? && !sms_locked_out? 454 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 431 def sms_code 432 sms[sms_code_column] 433 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 435 def sms_code_issued_at 436 convert_timestamp(sms[sms_issued_at_column]) 437 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 348 def sms_code_match?(code) 349 return false unless sms_current_auth? 350 timing_safe_eql?(code, sms_code) 351 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 500 def sms_codes_primary? 501 (features & [:otp, :webauthn]).empty? 502 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/recovery_codes.rb 146 def sms_confirm 147 super if defined?(super) 148 auto_add_missing_recovery_codes 149 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 362 def sms_confirm_failure 363 sms_ds.delete 364 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 403 def sms_confirm_message(code) 404 "SMS confirmation code for #{domain} is #{code}" 405 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 353 def sms_confirmation_match?(code) 354 sms_needs_confirmation? && sms_code_match?(code) 355 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 460 def sms_current_auth? 461 sms_code && sms_code_issued_at + sms_code_allowed_seconds > Time.now 462 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 357 def sms_disable 358 sms_ds.delete 359 @sms = nil 360 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 528 def sms_ds 529 db[sms_codes_table].where(sms_id_column=>session_value) 530 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 439 def sms_failures 440 sms[sms_failures_column] 441 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 456 def sms_locked_out? 457 sms_failures >= sms_failure_limit 458 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 448 def sms_needs_confirmation? 449 sms && sms_failures.nil? 450 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 407 def sms_needs_confirmation_notice_flash 408 sms_needs_confirmation_error_flash 409 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 508 def sms_new_auth_code 509 SecureRandom.random_number(10**sms_auth_code_length).to_s.rjust(sms_auth_code_length, "0") 510 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 512 def sms_new_confirm_code 513 SecureRandom.random_number(10**sms_confirm_code_length).to_s.rjust(sms_confirm_code_length, "0") 514 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 504 def sms_normalize_phone(phone) 505 phone.to_s.gsub(/\D+/, '') 506 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 427 def sms_phone 428 sms[sms_phone_column] 429 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 422 def sms_record_failure 423 update_sms(sms_failures_column=>Sequel.expr(sms_failures_column)+1) 424 sms[sms_failures_column] = sms_ds.get(sms_failures_column) 425 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 415 def sms_remove_expired_confirm_code 416 db[sms_codes_table]. 417 where(sms_id_column=>session_value, sms_failures_column => nil). 418 where(Sequel[sms_issued_at_column] < Sequel.date_sub(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, seconds: sms_confirm_deadline)). 419 delete 420 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 373 def sms_remove_failures 374 return if sms_needs_confirmation? 375 update_hash_ds(sms, sms_ds.exclude(sms_failures_column => nil), sms_failures_column => 0, sms_code_column => nil) 376 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 516 def sms_send(phone, message) 517 raise NotImplementedError, "sms_send needs to be defined in the Rodauth configuration for SMS sending to work" 518 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 383 def sms_send_auth_code 384 code = sms_new_auth_code 385 sms_set_code(code) 386 sms_send(sms_phone, sms_auth_message(code)) 387 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 389 def sms_send_confirm_code 390 code = sms_new_confirm_code 391 sms_set_code(code) 392 sms_send(sms_phone, sms_confirm_message(code)) 393 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 411 def sms_set_code(code) 412 update_sms(sms_code_column=>code, sms_issued_at_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) 413 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 366 def sms_setup(phone_number) 367 # Cannot handle uniqueness violation here, as the phone number given may not match the 368 # one in the table. 369 sms_ds.insert(sms_id_column=>session_value, sms_phone_column=>phone_number, sms_failures_column => nil) 370 remove_instance_variable(:@sms) if instance_variable_defined?(:@sms) 371 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 443 def sms_setup? 444 return false unless sms 445 !sms_needs_confirmation? 446 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 395 def sms_valid_phone?(phone) 396 phone.length >= sms_phone_min_length 397 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 564 def split_token(token) 565 token.split(token_separator, 2) 566 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 783 def template_path(page) 784 File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../templates', "#{page}.str") 785 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/http_basic_auth.rb 79 def throw_basic_auth_error(*args) 80 set_http_basic_auth_error_response 81 throw_error(*args) 82 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 656 def throw_error(field, error) 657 set_field_error(field, error) 658 throw_rodauth_error 659 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 669 def throw_error_reason(reason, status, field, message) 670 set_error_reason(reason) 671 throw_error_status(status, field, message) 672 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 661 def throw_error_status(status, field, error) 662 set_response_error_status(status) 663 throw_error(field, error) 664 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 652 def throw_rodauth_error 653 throw :rodauth_error 654 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 623 def timing_safe_eql?(provided, actual) 624 provided = provided.to_s 625 Rack::Utils.secure_compare(provided.ljust(actual.length), actual) && provided.length == actual.length 626 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 53 def token_link(route, param, key) 54 route_url(route, param => token_param_value(key)) 55 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_base.rb 57 def token_param_value(key) 58 "#{account_id}#{token_separator}#{convert_email_token_key(key)}" 59 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 606 def transaction(opts={}, &block) 607 db.transaction(opts, &block) 608 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 242 def translate(_key, default) 243 # do not attempt to translate by default 244 default 245 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 213 def two_factor_auth_links 214 @two_factor_auth_links ||= _filter_links(_two_factor_auth_links) 215 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 248 def two_factor_authenticate(type) 249 two_factor_update_session(type) 250 two_factor_remove_auth_failures 251 after_two_factor_authentication 252 require_response(:_two_factor_auth_response) 253 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 191 def two_factor_authenticated? 192 authenticated_by && authenticated_by.length >= 2 193 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 195 def two_factor_authentication_setup? 196 possible_authentication_methods.length >= 2 197 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 205 def two_factor_login_type_match?(type) 206 authenticated_by && authenticated_by.include?(type) 207 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 122 def two_factor_modifications_require_password? 123 modifications_require_password? 124 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 183 def two_factor_password_match?(password) 184 if two_factor_modifications_require_password? 185 password_match?(password) 186 else 187 true 188 end 189 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 224 def two_factor_remove 225 super 226 otp_remove 227 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/otp.rb 229 def two_factor_remove_auth_failures 230 super 231 otp_remove_auth_failures 232 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 221 def two_factor_remove_links 222 @two_factor_remove_links ||= _filter_links(_two_factor_remove_links) 223 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 261 def two_factor_remove_session(type) 262 authenticated_by.delete(type) 263 remove_session_value(two_factor_setup_session_key) 264 if authenticated_by.empty? 265 clear_session 266 end 267 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 217 def two_factor_setup_links 218 @two_factor_setup_links ||= _filter_links(_two_factor_setup_links) 219 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 269 def two_factor_update_session(auth_type) 270 authenticated_by << auth_type 271 set_session_value(two_factor_setup_session_key, true) 272 end
Work around jdbc/sqlite issue where it only raises ConstraintViolation and not UniqueConstraintViolation.
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 836 def unique_constraint_violation_class 837 if db.adapter_scheme == :jdbc && db.database_type == :sqlite 838 # :nocov: 839 Sequel::ConstraintViolation 840 # :nocov: 841 else 842 Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation 843 end 844 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 159 def unlock_account 160 transaction do 161 remove_lockout_metadata 162 end 163 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 224 def unlock_account_email_link 225 token_link(unlock_account_route, unlock_account_key_param, unlock_account_key_value) 226 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/lockout.rb 281 def unlock_account_email_recently_sent? 282 (email_last_sent = get_unlock_account_email_last_sent) && (Time.now - email_last_sent < unlock_account_skip_resend_email_within) 283 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account_grace_period.rb 92 def unverified_grace_period_expired? 93 return false unless expires_at = session[unverified_account_session_key] 94 expires_at.is_a?(Integer) && Time.now.to_i > expires_at 95 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 895 def update_account(values, ds=account_ds) 896 update_hash_ds(account, ds, values) 897 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 113 def update_activity(account_id, *columns) 114 ds = account_activity_ds(account_id) 115 hash = {} 116 columns.each do |c| 117 hash[c] = Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 118 end 119 if ds.update(hash) == 0 120 hash[account_activity_id_column] = account_id 121 hash[account_activity_last_activity_column] ||= Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 122 hash[account_activity_last_login_column] ||= Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 123 # It is safe to ignore uniqueness violations here, as a concurrent insert would also use current timestamps. 124 ignore_uniqueness_violation{ds.insert(hash)} 125 end 126 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 195 def update_current_session? 196 !!session_inactivity_deadline 197 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 885 def update_hash_ds(hash, ds, values) 886 num = ds.update(values) 887 if num == 1 888 values.each do |k, v| 889 hash[k] = Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP == v ? Time.now : v 890 end 891 end 892 num 893 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 43 def update_last_activity 44 if session_value 45 update_activity(session_value, account_activity_last_activity_column) 46 end 47 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 39 def update_last_login 40 update_activity(account_id, account_activity_last_login_column, account_activity_last_activity_column) 41 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/change_login.rb 79 def update_login(login) 80 _update_login(login) 81 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/password_expiration.rb 52 def update_password_changed_at 53 ds = password_expiration_ds 54 if ds.update(password_expiration_changed_at_column=>Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) == 0 55 # Ignoring the violation is safe here, since a concurrent insert would also set it to the 56 # current timestamp. 57 ignore_uniqueness_violation{ds.insert(password_expiration_id_column=>account_id)} 58 end 59 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/update_password_hash.rb 18 def update_password_hash? 19 password_hash_cost != @current_password_hash_cost || @update_password_hash 20 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/account_expiration.rb 72 def update_session 73 check_account_expiration 74 super 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/single_session.rb 66 def update_single_session_key 67 key = random_key 68 set_single_session_key(key) 69 if single_session_ds.update(single_session_key_column=>key) == 0 70 # Don't handle uniqueness violations here. While we could get the stored key from the 71 # database, it could lead to two sessions sharing the same key, which this feature is 72 # designed to prevent. 73 single_session_ds.insert(single_session_id_column=>session_value, single_session_key_column=>key) 74 end 75 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/sms_codes.rb 520 def update_sms(values) 521 update_hash_ds(sms, sms_ds, values) 522 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 682 def use_database_authentication_functions? 683 case db.database_type 684 when :postgres, :mysql, :mssql 685 true 686 else 687 # :nocov: 688 false 689 # :nocov: 690 end 691 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/active_sessions.rb 204 def use_date_arithmetic? 205 true 206 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/json.rb 60 def use_json? 61 json_request? || only_json? 62 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/email_auth.rb 156 def use_multi_phase_login? 157 true 158 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 693 def use_request_specific_csrf_tokens? 694 scope.opts[:rodauth_route_csrf] && scope.use_request_specific_csrf_tokens? 695 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/two_factor_base.rb 199 def uses_two_factor_authentication? 200 return false unless logged_in? 201 set_session_value(two_factor_setup_session_key, two_factor_authentication_setup?) unless session.has_key?(two_factor_setup_session_key) 202 session[two_factor_setup_session_key] 203 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/jwt.rb 101 def valid_jwt? 102 !!(jwt_token && jwt_payload) 103 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/login.rb 125 def valid_login_entered? 126 @valid_login_entered 127 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 314 def valid_new_webauthn_credential?(webauthn_credential) 315 _override_webauthn_credential_response_verify(webauthn_credential) 316 (challenge = param_or_nil(webauthn_setup_challenge_param)) && 317 (hmac = param_or_nil(webauthn_setup_challenge_hmac_param)) && 318 (timing_safe_eql?(compute_hmac(challenge), hmac) || (hmac_secret_rotation? && timing_safe_eql?(compute_old_hmac(challenge), hmac))) && 319 webauthn_credential.verify(challenge) 320 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 362 def valid_webauthn_credential_auth?(webauthn_credential) 363 ds = webauthn_keys_ds.where(webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column => webauthn_credential.id) 364 pub_key, sign_count = ds.get([webauthn_keys_public_key_column, webauthn_keys_sign_count_column]) 365 366 _override_webauthn_credential_response_verify(webauthn_credential) 367 (challenge = param_or_nil(webauthn_auth_challenge_param)) && 368 (hmac = param_or_nil(webauthn_auth_challenge_hmac_param)) && 369 (timing_safe_eql?(compute_hmac(challenge), hmac) || (hmac_secret_rotation? && timing_safe_eql?(compute_old_hmac(challenge), hmac))) && 370 webauthn_credential.verify(challenge, public_key: pub_key, sign_count: sign_count) && 371 ds.update( 372 webauthn_keys_sign_count_column => Integer(webauthn_credential.sign_count), 373 webauthn_keys_last_use_column => Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 374 ) == 1 375 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account_grace_period.rb 17 def verified_account? 18 logged_in? && !session[unverified_account_session_key] 19 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 171 def verify_account 172 update_account(account_status_column=>account_open_status_value) == 1 173 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 273 def verify_account_check_already_logged_in 274 check_already_logged_in 275 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 298 def verify_account_ds(id=account_id) 299 db[verify_account_table].where(verify_account_id_column=>id) 300 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 204 def verify_account_email_link 205 token_link(verify_account_route, verify_account_key_param, verify_account_key_value) 206 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 253 def verify_account_email_recently_sent? 254 (email_last_sent = get_verify_account_email_last_sent) && (Time.now - email_last_sent < verify_account_skip_resend_email_within) 255 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 175 def verify_account_email_resend 176 if @verify_account_key_value = get_verify_account_key(account_id) 177 set_verify_account_email_last_sent 178 send_verify_account_email 179 true 180 end 181 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account.rb 294 def verify_account_key_insert_hash 295 {verify_account_id_column=>account_id, verify_account_key_column=>verify_account_key_value} 296 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_account_grace_period.rb 29 def verify_account_set_password? 30 false 31 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_verify_account.rb 7 def verify_account_view 8 webauthn_setup_view 9 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 112 def verify_login_change 113 unless res = _update_login(verify_login_change_new_login) 114 remove_verify_login_change_key 115 end 116 117 res 118 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 206 def verify_login_change_ds(id=account_id) 207 db[verify_login_change_table].where(verify_login_change_id_column=>id) 208 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 202 def verify_login_change_email_body 203 render('verify-login-change-email') 204 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 128 def verify_login_change_email_link 129 token_link(verify_login_change_route, verify_login_change_key_param, verify_login_change_key_value) 130 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 192 def verify_login_change_key_insert_hash(login) 193 hash = {verify_login_change_id_column=>account_id, verify_login_change_key_column=>verify_login_change_key_value, verify_login_change_login_column=>login} 194 set_deadline_value(hash, verify_login_change_deadline_column, verify_login_change_deadline_interval) 195 hash 196 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/verify_login_change.rb 140 def verify_login_change_old_login 141 account_ds.get(login_column) 142 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/base.rb 421 def view(page, title) 422 set_title(title) 423 _view(:view, page) 424 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 491 def webauthn_account_id 492 session_value 493 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 340 def webauthn_allow 341 account_webauthn_ids 342 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_login.rb 43 def webauthn_auth_additional_form_tags 44 if @webauthn_login 45 super.to_s + login_hidden_field 46 else 47 super 48 end 49 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 503 def webauthn_auth_credential_from_form_submission 504 begin 505 webauthn_credential = webauthn_form_submission_call(:from_get, webauthn_auth_data) 506 507 unless valid_webauthn_credential_auth?(webauthn_credential) 508 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_auth_param, invalid_key_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_auth_param_message) 509 end 510 rescue WebAuthn::SignCountVerificationError 511 handle_webauthn_sign_count_verification_error 512 rescue WebAuthn::Error, RuntimeError, NoMethodError 513 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_auth_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_auth_param_message) 514 end 515 516 webauthn_credential 517 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 519 def webauthn_auth_data 520 case auth_data = raw_param(webauthn_auth_param) 521 when String 522 begin 523 JSON.parse(auth_data) 524 rescue 525 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_auth_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_auth_param_message) 526 end 527 when Hash 528 auth_data 529 else 530 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_auth_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_auth_param, webauthn_invalid_auth_param_message) 531 end 532 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 247 def webauthn_auth_form_path 248 webauthn_auth_path 249 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 263 def webauthn_authenticator_selection 264 {'requireResidentKey' => false, 'userVerification' => webauthn_user_verification} 265 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 422 def webauthn_create_relying_party_opts 423 { :relying_party => webauthn_relying_party } 424 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 322 def webauthn_credential_options_for_get 323 WebAuthn::Credential.options_for_get( 324 :allow => webauthn_allow, 325 :timeout => webauthn_auth_timeout, 326 :user_verification => webauthn_user_verification, 327 :extensions => webauthn_extensions, 328 **webauthn_get_relying_party_opts 329 ) 330 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 267 def webauthn_extensions 268 {} 269 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 427 def webauthn_form_submission_call(meth, arg) 428 WebAuthn::Credential.public_send(meth, arg, :relying_party => webauthn_relying_party) 429 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 482 def webauthn_key_insert_hash(webauthn_credential) 483 { 484 webauthn_keys_account_id_column => webauthn_account_id, 485 webauthn_keys_webauthn_id_column => webauthn_credential.id, 486 webauthn_keys_public_key_column => webauthn_credential.public_key, 487 webauthn_keys_sign_count_column => Integer(webauthn_credential.sign_count) 488 } 489 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 499 def webauthn_keys_ds 500 db[webauthn_keys_table].where(webauthn_keys_account_id_column => webauthn_account_id) 501 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_autofill.rb 59 def webauthn_login_options? 60 return true unless param_or_nil(login_param) 61 super 62 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_login.rb 70 def webauthn_login_verification_factor?(webauthn_credential) 71 webauthn_login_user_verification_additional_factor? && 72 webauthn_credential.response.authenticator_data.user_verified? && 73 uses_two_factor_authentication? 74 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 336 def webauthn_origin 337 base_url 338 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 413 def webauthn_relying_party 414 # No need to memoize, only called once per request 415 WebAuthn::RelyingParty.new( 416 origin: webauthn_origin, 417 id: webauthn_rp_id, 418 name: webauthn_rp_name, 419 ) 420 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 255 def webauthn_remove_authenticated_session 256 remove_session_value(authenticated_webauthn_id_session_key) 257 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 344 def webauthn_rp_id 345 webauthn_origin.sub(/\Ahttps?:\/\//, '').sub(/:\d+\z/, '') 346 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 348 def webauthn_rp_name 349 webauthn_rp_id 350 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 386 def webauthn_setup? 387 !webauthn_keys_ds.empty? 388 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 534 def webauthn_setup_credential_from_form_submission 535 unless two_factor_password_match?(param(password_param)) 536 throw_error_reason(:invalid_password, invalid_password_error_status, password_param, invalid_password_message) 537 end 538 539 begin 540 webauthn_credential = webauthn_form_submission_call(:from_create, webauthn_setup_data) 541 542 unless valid_new_webauthn_credential?(webauthn_credential) 543 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_setup_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_setup_param, webauthn_invalid_setup_param_message) 544 end 545 rescue WebAuthn::Error, RuntimeError, NoMethodError 546 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_setup_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_setup_param, webauthn_invalid_setup_param_message) 547 end 548 549 webauthn_credential 550 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 552 def webauthn_setup_data 553 case setup_data = raw_param(webauthn_setup_param) 554 when String 555 begin 556 JSON.parse(setup_data) 557 rescue 558 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_setup_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_setup_param, webauthn_invalid_setup_param_message) 559 end 560 when Hash 561 setup_data 562 else 563 throw_error_reason(:invalid_webauthn_setup_param, invalid_field_error_status, webauthn_setup_param, webauthn_invalid_setup_param_message) 564 end 565 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 259 def webauthn_update_session(webauthn_id) 260 set_session_value(authenticated_webauthn_id_session_key, webauthn_id) 261 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 495 def webauthn_user_ids_ds 496 db[webauthn_user_ids_table].where(webauthn_user_ids_account_id_column => webauthn_account_id) 497 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn.rb 332 def webauthn_user_name 333 account![login_column] 334 end
# File lib/rodauth/features/webauthn_autofill.rb 24 def webauthn_user_verification 25 'preferred' 26 end